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The Powell effect was not just......>

US TSYS SUMMARY: The Powell effect was not just short-lived but his upbeat
assessment of the economy hung over the market in Asia, with a renewed bout of
- Weakness was concentrated at the front end of the curve, the longer end may
need to wait beyond the 0.12Y rise in the Bloomberg-Barclays Tsy index that
should create flows towards 1500EST today. 
- The 2Y yield has hit another post-crisis yield high at 2.282%, although it has
moderated a bp since reaching that high.
- Swap spreads are little changed although swap flows have been quite elevated
in the 10Y+ section of the curve, mostly playing flatteners.
- Later today sees the second reading of Q4 GDP and MNI Chicago PMI. There is no
coupon supply.
- Neel Kashkari, one of the biggest doves on the FOMC, is due to participate in
a round table about wages

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