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The Shanghai-London Stock Connect is....>

CHINA PRESS: The Shanghai-London Stock Connect is getting increased attention
recently from experts and officials, as they seek to advance the program that is
expected to benefit both China and the U.K., the Securities Daily reported
Tuesday. The Connect program would enable Chinese investors to trade U.K.
companies during Chinese trading hours while allowing U.K. investors to trade
Chinese companies during U.K. trading time. In the last several weeks, four
Chinese officials have made clear that one of their main tasks is to verify the
feasibility of the Shanghai-London Stock Connect program and advance it. They
are: Li Chao, vice chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission; Zhang
Shenfeng, assistant chairman of the CSRC; Zhang Bin, Shanghai Stock Exchange
Hong Kong Office Chief; and Zhou Ming, chief executive officer of China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, Ltd, the newspaper said. The
initiative would speed up the internationalization of China's capital market,
attract more investors to the domestic capital market, and help Chinese
investors diversify their global investment portfolios. (Securities Daily)

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