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The volume of Chinese companies'........>

CHINA PRESS: The volume of Chinese companies' overseas investments have grown
rapidly, but achieving high-quality overseas investments is key to their future
development, The People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party,
reported Monday. Some Chinese companies' outbound investments are only
undertaken for the sake of "going abroad" and expanding into global markets
without thinking about how to achieve a bigger role and influence
internationally, the newspaper said. Chinese companies need to learn local
cultures and be able to adapt to changes in foreign countries in which they
invest, the newspaper stressed. Liu Ying, researcher at Chongyang Institute for
Financial Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, was cited as saying
introducing advanced technology, products, services and marketing networks in
China is also important to support Chinese companies' investments abroad. Zhi
Yulin, assistant manager of China North Industries Group Corporation, said the
yuan's internationalization should be sped up to provide better support for
Chinese companies' outbound investments and trade. (People's Daily)

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