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*** Tsys trading firmer, near.......>

US TSYS SUMMARY: *** Tsys trading firmer, near recent highs as US rates trail
risk-off move in Gilts after EU releases draft EU Brexit withdrawal agreement
putting pressure on PM May's govt. Data watch: GDP (2.5 est) and PMI (64.0 est);
no Fed speakers. US$ index firmer (DXY +.112, 90.467); equities steady (emini
2747.5); gold firmer (XAU +2.03, 13520.33); West Texas crude softer (WTI -0.09,
62.92). Jun Tsy futures take top step
- Asia, opened steady/mildly higher/bounce after Fed chair Powell's inaugural
semi-annual Mon/Pol testimony sell-off Tue, rates had already trimmed losses in
late Tue trade. Side-ways trade on two-way flow into London open. 
- London, choppy two-way trade early amid prop and bank selling 5s-10s, macro
fund sales 10s, real$ buying 2s, 5s and 30s, month end buying vs. corp selling
- Swaps, running modestly tighter across the curve on decent flow
- Eurodollar futures,Trading steady/mixed, short end bounces from 97.862 prior
to 3M LIBOR set (+0.0110 to 2.0172%, +0.0610/wk) to 97.882 (+0.010) in minutes
after, market apparently anticipating a higher set after Fed chair Powell's
hawkish Q&A session post testimony.

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