February 12, 2025 08:12 GMT
NATGAS: TTF Market Weighs Tight Supplies and Possible Storage Subsidies
TTF front month is edging higher after a pull back late yesterday as the market weighs risks of tight summer supplies and possible subsidies in Germany for refilling gas storage.
- A resolution on who will finance gas into storage is expected in the next couple of weeks with “some incentives” expected, said Vitol CEO Russell Hardy cited by Bloomberg.
- Temperatures in NW and central Europe are forecast to fall further below normal into the coming weekend before seeing a potential recovery back towards normal late next week.
- Norwegian pipeline supplies to Europe are nominated back up to 328.6mcm/d today after dipping yesterday due to an unplanned outage at Oseberg.
- European gas storage has risen above normal again taking stores down to 47.89% full on Feb. 10, according to GIE, compared to the previous five year average of 56.1%.
- European LNG sendout rebounded to 460mcm/d on Feb. 10 after a dip lower over the weekend and compared to an average of 428mcm/d so far in February.
- Algeria gas flows to Italy at Mazara are today at 59.1mcm/d, according to Bloomberg.
- ICE TTF daily aggregate traded futures volume was 444k on Feb. 11.
- TTF MAR 25 down 1.5% at 56.93€/MWh
- TTF SUM 25 down 1.4% at 56.33€/MWh
- TTF WIN 25 down 0.7% at 51.75€/MWh
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