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US Data: Bidders Participation in Treasury 8-week Bill Auction

Data for: April 11, 2019
Source: U.S. Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt                            
Tenders by type of bidder in millions of U.S. dollars                   
Percentage are based on total competitive
Hit Ratio=Amt Accepted/Amt Tendered
                                  Pct of              Pct of
                                   Comp-               Comp-    Hit
8-week bills           Tendered  etitive   Accepted  etitive  Ratio
Primary Dealer 1      89025.000    85.39  23032.213    66.25  25.87
Direct Bidder 2        1950.000     1.87   1100.000     3.16  56.41
Indirect Bidder 3     13287.725    12.74  10633.975    30.59  80.03
Total Competitive    104262.725           34766.188           33.34
Noncomps                234.195             234.195              --
FIMA                      0.000               0.000              --
Total Public         104496.920           35000.383           33.49
1. Primary dealers as submitters bidding for their own house accounts.  
2. Non-primary dealer submitters bidding for their own house accounts.  
3. Customers placing competitive bids through a direct submitter,       
including foreign and international monetary authorities placing bids   
through the New York Federal Reserve Bank.                              
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 (973) 494-2611; email:

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