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US Data Calendar

MNI (Washington)
3/2/2021700**29-JanMBA Mortgage Applications-4.1--%
3/2/2021815***JanADP private payrolls-12350(k)
3/2/2021945***JanIHS Markit Services Index (final)57.557.5
3/2/20211000***JanISM Non-manufacturing Index57.756.7
3/2/20211030**29-JanDistillate stocks w/w change-0.815-0.32bbl (m)
3/2/20211030**29-JanGasoline stocks w/w change2.4690.85bbl (m)
3/2/20211030**29-Jancrude oil stocks ex. SPR w/w-9.91-0.4bbl (m)
3/2/20211130*5-FebBid to Cover Ratio----
3/2/20211130*5-FebBid to Cover Ratio----
4/2/2021730*Janchallenger layoff plans134.5--%
4/2/2021830**Q4non-farm productivity (p)4.6-2.9%
4/2/2021830**Q4unit labor costs (p)-6.63.8%
4/2/2021830**30-Jancontinuing claims47714500(k)
4/2/2021830**30-Janinitial jobless claims847830(k)
4/2/20211000**Decfactory new orders10.7%
4/2/20211000**Decfactory orders ex transport0.8--%
4/2/20211030**29-Jannatural gas stocks w/w-128--Bcf
4/2/20211130**5-FebBid to Cover Ratio----
4/2/20211130*5-FebBid to Cover Ratio----
4/2/20211630**3-FebFed weekly securities holdings----USD (t)
5/2/2021830***Janaverage hourly earnings0.80.3%
5/2/2021830***Janaverage workweek, all workers34.734.7hrs
5/2/2021830***Jannonfarm payrolls-14050(k)
5/2/2021830***Janprivate payrolls-9535(k)
5/2/2021830***Janunemployment rate6.76.7%
5/2/2021830**Dectrade balance-68.1-65.7USD (b)
5/2/20211100**Q1St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast----%
5/2/20211100**Q1NY Fed GDP Nowcast----%
5/2/20211500*Decconsumer credit15.27412USD (b)
8/2/20211100**FebNY Fed expectations survey----
9/2/2021600**JanNFIB Small Business Index95.9--
9/2/2021855**6-FebRedbook retail sales m/m----%
9/2/20211000**DecJOLTS job openings level6527--(k)
9/2/20211000**DecJOLTS quits rate----%
9/2/20211200***15/16Corn Ending Stocks current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Corn Production current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Corn yield per acre current year----
9/2/20211200***15/16Cotton Ending Stocks current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Cotton Production current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Soybeans - Ending Stocks current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Soybeans Production current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Soybeans yield per acre current year----
9/2/20211200***15/16Wheat - Ending Stocks current year----(m)
9/2/20211200***15/16Wheat Production current year----(m)
MNI Washington Bureau | +1 202-371-2121 |
MNI Washington Bureau | +1 202-371-2121 |

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