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US Data: Primary Dealer Securities Positions - Details

As of September 5, 2018
Source:  U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York                              
Figures in millions of U.S. dollars                                         
Total net position and level changes calculated by MNI
Wednesday-to-Wednesday                05-Sep-18  29-Aug-18  22-Aug-18  15-Aug-18
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                            24186      28431      22398      14405
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                     26146      26503      25266      26927
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                   7797      14492      10217      14226
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                  16813      26141      25115      23392
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  12853      14454      11805       8888
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  4631       5644       4437       4960
due in more than 11 years                 31326      37022      37351      34922
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                        7493       7054       3877       4338
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      5328       5327       5687       5604
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   6617       6926       6506       5781
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  1715       2210       1397       1245
due in more than 11 years                   210        -90       -124          2
Total U.S. Government Securities         145115     174114     153932     144690
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                             4822       3931       7699       8265
Coupon Securities                         10649      11678      11171      11893
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                15471      15609      18870      20158
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                          26587      25386      19415      19654
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                           24768      22143      23228      22441
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                4496       4494       4749       4424
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                 7774       7609       6855       6817
Other CMBS                                 5734       5844       6002       6397
Total Mortgage-backed Securities          69359      65476      60249      59733
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                          10098       8419      10123      11886
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     1919       1855       1813       1803
due in 13 months to 5 years                1211       1401       1434       1920
due in 5 years to 10 years                  512        567         24        436
due in more than 10 years                  2073       2328       2904       2612
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      389        377        380        396
due in 13 months to 5 years                1473       1466       1468       1585
due in 5 years to 10 years                 -714      -1062       -930       -991
due in more than 10 years                  1185       1169       1221        408
Total Corporate Securities                18146      16520      18437      20055
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     4686       6523       6222       1135
due in 13 months to 5 years                2003       2279       2397       2356
due in 5 years to 10 years                 2159       2306       2270       2451
due in more than 10 years                 12954      12979      13302      13739
Variable rate demand notes                 2662       3060       4313       5394
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                    24464      27147      28504      25075
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities               899       1081       1271       1414
Student loan-backed securities             2616       2467       2277       2328
Automobile loan-backed securities          1636       1795       2088       2138
Other asset-backed securities              4388       4549       4737       4632
Total Asset-backed securities              9539       9892      10373      10512
Level Changes
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                            -4245       6033       7993        153
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      -357       1237      -1661     -12400
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                  -6695       4275      -4009       3114
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                  -9328       1026       1723       5481
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  -1601       2649       2917       -898
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                 -1013       1207       -523      -2999
due in more than 11 years                 -5696       -329       2429       1939
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                         439       3177       -461       -924
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                         1       -360         83      -2070
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   -309        420        725       1305
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  -495        813        152       -614
due in more than 11 years                   300         34       -126       -134
Total U.S. Government Securities         -28999      20182       9242      -8047
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                              891      -3768       -566       3174
Coupon Securities                         -1029        507       -722       3380
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                 -138      -3261      -1288       6554
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                           1201       5971       -239       3355
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                            2625      -1085        787       -166
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                   2       -255        325        -83
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                  165        754         38        -59
Other CMBS                                 -110       -158       -395        182
Total Mortgage-backed Securities           3883       5227        516       3229
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                           1679      -1704      -1763       3427
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                       64         42         10       -222
due in 13 months to 5 years                -190        -33       -486        972
due in 5 years to 10 years                  -55        543       -412       1771
due in more than 10 years                  -255       -576        292       2737
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                       12         -3        -16          9
due in 13 months to 5 years                   7         -2       -117        293
due in 5 years to 10 years                  348       -132         61        196
due in more than 10 years                    16        -52        813       -749
Total Corporate Securities                 1626      -1917      -1618       8434
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                    -1837        301       5087          2
due in 13 months to 5 years                -276       -118         41        453
due in 5 years to 10 years                 -147         36       -181         25
due in more than 10 years                   -25       -323       -437         18
Variable rate demand notes                 -398      -1253      -1081      -1862
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                    -2683      -1357       3429      -1364
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities              -182       -190       -143        215
Student loan-backed securities              149        190        -51         -1
Automobile loan-backed securities          -159       -293        -50        182
Other asset-backed securities              -161       -188        105         79
Total Asset-backed securities              -353       -481       -139        475
--MNI Washington Bureau; tel: +1 202-371-2121; email:

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