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US$ High-Grade Credit Supply Pipeline - Jan. 26, 2018

Waiting for CIBC 3Y and SunTrust Bank to price
Date $MM Issuer/Rating/Desc/Maturity/Yld/Leads; Priced *; Launch #:
01/26 $1.35B #Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) 3Y Fix +50, 3Y FRN 3ML
01/26 $1.25B #SunTrust Bank 3NC2 Fix to FRN +48, 5Y Fix +60
01/26 Chatter $15B Celgene (CELG)
01/26 Chatter Export-Import Bank of India (EXIMBK) Baa2/BBB-
01/26 Chatter Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) Baa3/BBB+, rumored $7.5B
$4B Priced Thursday
01/25 $3B *Capital One in three Parts, 5Y fix +80, FRN +72 and 10Y +120
01/25 $1B *Export-Import Bank of India 10y at +125
$3B Priced Wednesday, KFW headliner
01/24 $3B *KFW 10Y global MS +21
$6.8B Priced Tuesday
01/23 $2B *CADES 3Y MS +10
01/23 $1B *Nordic Investment (NIB) Aaa/AAA, 3Y MS -2 
01/23 $2B *CPPIB Capital (CPPIBC) Aaa/AAA 3Y MS +9
01/23 $400M *Owens Corning 30Y +157
01/23 $500M *New York Life 2Y L+15a
01/23 $900M *Regions Banks 3Y fix/FRN
01/23 $Benchmark KFW 10Y global MS +23
$5.65B Priced Monday, T-Mobile 2-tranche deal lead
01/22 $2.5B *T-Mobile, $1B 8Y +186, $1B 10Y +209
01/22 $1.75B *Bank of NY Mellon; $1B 5Y +53, $750M 10Y +75
01/22 $1B *M&T Trust $650M 3Y Fxd +47, $350M FRN 3mL+27
01/22 $400M *Korea Southern Power (KOSOPW) Aa2/na/AA-, 3Y +90
$1.4B Priced Friday
01/19 $1.4B *Meredith Corp 8NC3 Sr notes
01/19 $Benchmark CPPIB Capital Aaa/AAA, 144a/Reg-S 3Y
$33.8B Priced Thursday, $65.4B on Week
01/18 $7.5B *Morgan Stanley 3 parts: $2B 3NC2 FRN, $2.5B 5Y fix, $3B 11NC10
01/18 $6.75B *Goldman Sachs Group, 5Y fix and/or FRN, 11NC10 fix to FRN
01/18 $3B *Republic of Ecuador 10Y at 7.875%
01/18 $5.25B *Bank of America 4NC3, 8NC7, 31NC30
01/18 $2B *Philippines 10Y 3.0%
01/18 $1.8B *US Bank NA Ohio 3-way ($550M 2Y fix, $500M 2Y FRN, $750M 5Y fix)
10/18 $1.5B *Brazil Tap 5.625% 2047 at 5.60%
01/18 $1.5B *Toronto-Dominion Bank 3Y fix/FRN
01/18 $1B *Jefferies Group 12Y +160a
01/18 $2B *IFC 3Y Global, MS-1
01/18 $750M *Crown Americas 8NC3
01/18 $750M *Extraction Oil and Gas, 8NC3 Sr notes
$14.15B high-grade issuance priced Wednesday
01/17 $2.5B *Westpac Banking Group (WSTP) 3-part: 3Y, 3T FRN, 10Y
01/17 $3B *Citigroup Inc 2-tranche $2B 5NC4 Fxd-FRN +75, $1B 21NC20 Fxd-FRN +102
01/17 $2.15B *Deutsche Bank NY 3Y $1.15B 3Y Fxd +100, $650M 3Y FRN 3mL+81.5
01/17 $2B *PNC Bank 2 part: 3Y fix/FRN, 10Y
01/17 $1.5B *Dexia Credit Local (DEXGRP) Aa3/AA, 144a/Reg-S 3Y, MS +27
01/17 $1B *Kommuninvest (KOMINS) Aaa/AAA 144a/Reg-S 5Y, MS +4
01/17 $1.25B *Export Development Canada (EDC) Aaa/AAA, Global 5Y MS+10
01/17 $750M *Noble Corp Sr notes 2026
$17.45B High-grade issuance priced Tuesday
01/16 $6B *Wells Fargo Bank NA 4-tranche:
01/16 $1.75B *Wells Fargo Bank 2Y fix, +43; $1B *Wells Fargo Bank 2Y FRN +23
01/16 $2.5B *Wells Fargo Bank 3Y fix +50; $750m *Wells Fargo Bank 3Y FRN 3mL+31
01/16 $2.25B *JPMorgan 11NC10 +97, 
01/16 $1.75B *JPMorgan 31NC30 +107
01/16 $1B *ANZ New Zealand 2-tranche:
01/16 $500m *ANZ New Zealand 3Y fix +63; $500m *ANZ New Zealand 10Y +95
01/16 $600M *Aercap 5Y +100
01/16 $550M *Aercap 10Y +137
01/16 $550M *Olin Corp 12NC6 Sr notes, +245
Quiet Friday, no new issuance after whopping $69.1B priced this week, well above
$30B estimates. Looking to pick up again next week w/potential $7.5B
multi-tranche from Petroleos Mexicanos, $1B+ Wisconsin Power, Rabobank 5Y. More
dealer issuance as bank earnings works through the calendar.
$17.75B priced Thursday January 11
01/11 $5B *Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KFW), 5Y MS+12
01/11 $3.75B *Asian Development Bank (ADB) 3Y MS+1, 
01/11 $1.5B *Asian Development Bank (ADB) 10Y MS+23
01/11 $500M *Municipality Finance (KUNTA) 3Y 3ML+5
01/11 $5.0B *Tencent Holdings (TENCNT), 144a/Reg-S
01/11 $1.0B *Tencent Holdings (TENCNT), 5Y fix +65
01/11 $500M *Tencent Holdings (TENCNT), 5Y FRN 3ML+60.5
01/11 $2.5B *Tencent Holdings (TENCNT), 10Y +105
01/11 $1.0B *Tencent Holdings (TENCNT), 20Y +105
01/11 $1B *Marfrig 7NC3, 7.125
01/11 $1B *BBVA Bancomer 15NC10 sub 265
01/11 $500M *Rede D'Or Finance 10Y
01/11 $1B *Brookfield Finance 10Y
Over $14B priced Wednesday January 10, $6.5B Oman 3-part lead
01/10 $3.75B *Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) 5Y MS +11
01/10 $2B *State of Israel (ISRAEL) 2-parts: $1B 10s T+75; $1B 30s T+125
01/10 $525M *Patterson-UTI 10Y, +140
01/10 $200M *Banco Internacional del Peru SAA Interbank (BINTPE), 5Y +105
01/10 $6.5 *Sultanate of Oman (OMAN) Baa2/na/BBB-, 3-parts 5s/10s/30s
01/10 $1.25B *Sultanate of Oman (OMAN) 5Y +190
01/10 $2.5B *Sultanate of Oman (OMAN) 10Y +310
01/10 $2.75B *Sultanate of Oman (OMAN) 30Y +395
01/10 $1.15B Aramark Services 10NC5 Sr Notes
Whopping $29.35B priced Tuesday, January 9
01/09 $5B *EIB 5Y Global, MS +15 (UST +19.3)
01/09 $5B Sempra Energy, 7-Tranches from 18M-30Y
01/09 $4.75B Sumitomo Mitsui 5-part
01/09 $2B *Republic of Turkey Long 10y 5.2%-5.30%
01/09 $1.85B *ABN Amro Bank 3Y Fxd/FRN; IPT Low +70s/L
01/09 $750M *Puma Energy 8NC3 at 5.000%
01/08 $1.75B *Sunoco 3-way, 5s, 8s and 10s Sr notes
01/09 $1.75B Crown Castle Benchmark; Long 5Y +110a, 10Y +150a
01/09 $1B *Athene Holdings Ltd 10y; IPT +175a
01/09 $500M *Jabil Inc. 10Y; +175a
01/09 $5B Sempra Energy, 7-Tranches from 18M-30Y
$8B priced Monday, January 8
01/08 $2.5B *Toyota Motor Cr, 2Yr Fix/FRN, 5Y Fix/FRN, 10Y Fix 
01/08 $850M *BPCE S.A. 5Y Sn prfrd, +80-85 
01/08 $850M *BPCE S.A. 10Y Sn prfrd, +105-110 
01/08 $600M *Ares Capital Corp 7Y IPT +190 
01/08 $500M *MassMutual 7Y FA Backed +58 
01/08 $550M *Air Lease Corp 3Y, +65 
01/08 $700M *Air Lease Corp 7Y, +105 
01/08 $500m *L Brands 10Y Sr notes, 5.25-5.50% 
01/08 $Benchmark Ntnl Australia Bank Ltd (NAB) 3Y Fix/FRN, 5.25Y Fix/FRN 
01/08 $1.75B Sunoco 3-way, 5s, 8s and 10s Sr notes, likely Tue 
01/08 $Benchmark EIB 5Y Global, MS+17 likely Tue
01/05  BM    Bank of Nova Scotia A1/A+/AA- 3Y+48?/FRN 3ml BAML/BNP/C/GS/SCOT
01/05  $2.0B #Credit Suisse 11Y/NC10Y Fxd-to-FRN: UST+140     CS
01/05  $1.0B #Intesa Sanpaolo Baa1/BBB/BBB 5Y+115  BARC/BAML/C/GS/IMI/JPM/MS
01/05  $1.0B #Intesa Sanpaolo    "        10Y+150  BARC/BAML/C/GS/IMI/JPM/MS
01/05  $500M #Intesa Sanpaolo    "        30Y+160  BARC/BAML/C/GS/IMI/JPM/MS
01/05  BM    Athene Holdings BBB/BBB investor calls Jan 4-5;BM bond? BARC/GS
01/10  BM    BBVA Bancomer A3/BBB+ inv.mtgs Jan 5-10 144a/RegS? BBVA/BNP/JPM
01/05  $3B?  Brookfield Business Ptnrs buys Westnghse Elct.$1B Stk/$3B L/T debt?
01/09  BM    Sultan.of Oman Baa2/BBB- mtgs Jan5-9 5/10/30Y? C/HSBC/JPM/SMBC/SBC 
01/05  $7.5B Pemex eyes $7.5B in 2018 total corporate bond issuance
01/08  BM    State of Israel sets Jan 8-9 investor meetings 10Y,30Y? C/DB/GS 
01/05  $1.0B Kommunekredit Aaa/AAA  EMTN no-grow 3Y:MS+90s JPM
01/05  BM    Philippines Baa2/BBB/BBB- 1st week Jan bond?  C/CS/DB/MS/SCB
01/05  $10B? Brazil filed US$ mixed shelf offering (bonds,stocks)
01/05  BM    EIB Aaa/AAA could potentially do US$ bond based on history
01/05  TBD   Kor.Elec.Pwr Corp. Aaa2/AA/AA- 11/3 wk meetgs    BAML/C/CA
01/05  TBD   Lebanon delayed Eurobond from Nov., said MOF 
01/05  TBD   Israel Electric Baa2/BBB US meetings Oct.30-Nov3 JPM
01/05  TBD   Hanjin Bank: Potentl US$ deal w/ KEXIM Guar?   BNP/DAIWA/GS
01/05  TBD   Quatar eyed $9B in international bonds; no time yet
01/05  BM     Korea Southern Pwr Aa2/AA- 11/29-12/5 mtgs     BNP/C/HSBC/UBS
01/04 $1.5B  *Lloyds Bkg Grp Baa1/BBB      30Y T+155 BAML/BNP/GS/LLOYDS/UBS
01/04 $3.0B  *Kingdom of Sweden Aaa/AAA 144a/RegS 5Y MS+12 BMO/GS/HSBC/NORD
01/04 $1.75B *Republic of Argentina B2/B+  5Y 4.625%    C/DB/HSBC
01/04 $4.25B *Republic of Argentina B2/B+  10Y 6.00%    C/DB/HSBC
01/04 $3.0B  *Republic of Argentina B2/B+  30Y 6.950%   C/DB/HSBC
01/04 $1.5B  *Kommunalbanken Aaa/AAA 144a/RegS 5Y MS+20;T+24.1 BAML/JPM/NOM/RBC
01/03  $400M *John Deere A2/A       10Y 3.05% cpn T+62    BAML/C/HSBC
01/03  $500M *John Deere A2/A       5y 2.7% cpn T+47      BAML/C/HSBC
01/03  $250M *John Deere A2/A       3Y FRN 3ml+16 bps     BAML/C/HSBC 
01/03  $600M *John Deere A2/A       3Y T+35               BAML/C/HSBC
01/03  $1.0B *MetLife Global Funding Aa3/A- 3Y+42         CS/DB/MS/USB  
01/03  $300M *MetLife Global Funding Aa3/A- 3Y FRN 3ml+23 CS/DB/MS/USB  
01/03  $450M *Eversource Energy Baa1/A      10Y +85        C/JPM/RBC/TD/WFS
01/03  $200M *Eversource Energy Baa1/A Tap 2.5% Mar'21 +42 C/JPM/RBC/TD/WFS
01/03  $700M *New York Life Global Funding Aaa/Aa+ 10Y FA-backed +65 BAML/CS/DB
01/03  $1.1B *Rabobank Aaa2/A+      5Y +52                BAML/BARC/GS/MS
01/03  $400M *Rabobank Aa2/A+       3ml+48                BAML/BARC/GS/MS
01/03  $1.25B *Credit Agricole  Baa2/BBB 15Y/NC10 Sub Tier2+162.5 CACIB
01/03  $1.25B Commonwealth Bk of Australia Baa1/BBB Sub Tier II 30Y+153
--MNI Chicago Bureau; tel: +1 312-431-0089; email:

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