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US TSY SUMMARY: Rates trading firmer, modest rebound from Mon's strong risk-on
sell-off. Relative sedate pre-open w/ yld curves mildly steeper for most part
3M10Y scaling back Mon's sharp rebound off 12 year lows, currently -7.248 at
4.515 (+10.249, 11.128 late Mon).
- Moderate futures volume (TYM>1.2M); US$ index mildly higher after second half
decline on UK Brexit headlines (DXY +.127, 97.359); equities mildly higher (SPX
+1.5, 2872.0).
- Two-way flow, position squaring/profit taking after Mon's move, deal-tied flow
in 5s-10s, prop and option-tied selling intermediates earlier, real$ buying long
- On tap for Wednesday: March ADP private payrolls; March Markit Services Index;
March ISM Non-manufacturing Index; April help-wanted online ratio.
- The 2-Yr yield is down 3bps at 2.3024%, 5-Yr is down 3.7bps at 2.2848%, 10-Yr
is down 2.7bps at 2.4741%, and 30-Yr is down 1bps at 2.88%. 
US TSY FUTURES CLOSE: Mildly higher across the board, see-sawing around mostly
positive levels to middle of range after the bell. Yld curves mostly steeper w/
3M10Y unwinding appr half Mon's move. Update
* 3M10Y  -6.2, 5.563 (L: 4.238 / H: 9.233)
* 2Y10Y  +0.319, 16.947 (L: 16.055 / H: 18.218)
* 2Y30Y  +2.045, 57.589 (L: 55.751 / H: 58.779)
* 5Y30Y  +2.732, 59.418 (L: 57.239 / H: 60.191)
Current futures levels:
* Jun Ultra futures (WN) up 6/32  at 166-3 (L: 165-23 / H: 166-22)
* Jun 30-Yr futures (US) up 5/32  at 148-12 (L: 148-03 / H: 148-23)
* Jun 10-Yr futures (TY) up 5.5/32  at 123-25 (L: 123-19.5 / H: 123-27.5)
* Jun 5-Yr futures (FV) up 3.75/32  at 115-20.25 (L: 115-15.5 / H: 115-21.5)
* Jun 2-Yr futures (TU) up 1.25/32  at 106-15.375 (L: 106-13.875 / H:
US EURODLR FUTURES CLOSE: Barring steady lead quarterly, futures are mildly bid
across the strip after the bell, rather quiet session ahead midweek data.
Current White pack (Jun'19-Mar'20):
* Jun 19 +0.000 at 97.440
* Sep 19 +0.010 at 97.515
* Dec 19 +0.020 at 97.545
* Mar 20 +0.025 at 97.650
* Red Pack (Jun 20-Mar 21) +0.025 to +0.030
* Green Pack (Jun 21-Mar 22) +0.030 to +0.035
* Blue Pack (Jun 22-Mar 23) +0.030 to +0.030
* Gold Pack (Jun 23-Mar 24) +0.020 to +0.025
US DOLLAR LIBOR: Latest settles
* O/N -0.0079 to 2.3802% (-0.0018/wk)
* 1 Month -0.0141 to 2.4793% (-0.0152/wk)
* 3 Month +0.0068 to 2.6023% (+0.0026/wk)
* 6 Month -0.0185 to 2.6506% (-0.0089/wk)
* 1 Year +0.0032 to 2.7332% (+0.0226/wk)
* Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR): 2.46%, $978B
* Broad General Collateral Rate (BGCR): 2.41%, $440B
* Tri-Party General Collateral Rate (TGCR): 2.41%, $401B
US SWAPS: Spds running mostly tighter after the bell, spd curve flatter, long
end on narrows amid incoming swappable supply, two-way flow w/ better receivers
in 10s. Latest spd levels:
Tue 3:00    +0.38/12.00   -0.31/4.75     -1.12/-1.06   -1.25/-24.50
1:30        +0.44/12.06   -0.38/4.69     -1.12/-1.06   -1.19/-24.44
10:45       +0.31/11.94   -0.19/4.88     -0.69/-0.62   -0.75/-24.00
Tue Open    +0.00/11.62   -0.06/5.00     -0.44/-0.38   -0.50/-23.75
Mon 3:00    -0.25/11.62   -0.06/5.00     -0.31/-0.06   +0.12/-23.25
OUTLOOK: *** Data/speaker calendar (prior, estimate):
03-Apr 0700 29-Mar MBA Mortgage Applications (8.9%, --)
03-Apr 0815 Mar ADP private payrolls (183k, --)
03-Apr 0830 Atl Fed Pres Bostic, American Banker Assn Washington Summit, D.C.
03-Apr 0945 Mar Markit Services Index (final) (54.8, --)
03-Apr 1000 Mar ISM Non-manufacturing Index (59.7, 58.0)
03-Apr 1000 Apr help-wanted online ratio
03-Apr 1030 29-Mar crude oil stocks ex. SPR w/w (2.80m bbl, --)
03-Apr 1700 Mn Fed Pres Kashkari, town hall ND StU, Fargo, ND, audience Q&A.
PIPELINE: ING Groep 5Y/10Y, AIA 10Y lauched; BOC Aviation 5.5Y priced
Date $MM Issuer/Rating/Desc/Maturity/Yld/Leads; Priced *; Launch #:
04/02 $2B #ING Groep $1B 5Y +130, $1B 10Y +158
04/02 $1B #AIA Group 10Y +118
04/02 $1B *Province of Quebec 5Y +23
04/02 $750M *BOC Aviation 5.5Y +135 
04/02 $2.12B Staples 7NC3, 8NC3
04/02 $Benchmark Tencent Holdings Ltd ($5B USD chatter)
Chatter potential issuers:
04/?  Lowe's Cos
04/?  Saudi Aramco
Eurodollar/Tsy options:
Eurodollar options, Pit/screen:
* +10,000 Dec 71/72 put spds, 1.0 vs. 97.56/0.10%
* +13,000 Mar 67 puts, 0.5 vs. 97.64/0.05%
* -10,000 Dec 78/80 call strips, 9.5vs. 97.535/0.45%
* +5,000 Green Dec 77 puts, 19.0 vs. 97.80/0.46%
Additional trade from earlier includes
* +10,000 Blue Sep 75 puts, 6.0  vs. 97.725/0.27%
* +5,000 Green Dec 70 puts, 1.0
* +5,000 Sep 77 calls, 3.0
* +5,000 short Dec/Blue Dec 78/82 call spd spd, 2.0 net debit for modest bull
curve steepener
* over 15,000 Jun 75 calls, 2.0 vs. 97.445/0.30%
* 5,000 Mar 80/83/85 2x1x1 call trees, 11.5 vs. 97.65/0.31%
* 10,000 Jun 75 calls, 1.5 vs. 97.44/0.30
* +5,000 Green Sep/Green Dec 70 put spds earlier, paper paid 1.0 to buy Green
Close to earlier Block post, adds Jul 76 call leg, Dec call spd x2
* -10,000 Jun 75 calls, 2.0 vs. 97.445/0.30%
* -10,000 Jul 75 calls, 7.5 vs. 97.525/0.55%
* -10,000 Jul 76 calls, 3.0 vs. 97.525/0.30
* +20,000 Dec 80/83 call spds, 3.0 vs. 97.55/0.10%
* +20,000 Aug 78 calls, 1.5
* 6,000 Dec 80/83 call spds, 3.0
* -4,000 Dec 73/77 strangles, 12.5
* -5,000 Jun 73/75 1x2 call spds, 3.0 adds to another 9k on screen
Blocks 0711:22ET
* -5,000 Jun 75 calls, 2.0 vs. 97.445/0.30%
* -5,000 Jul 75 calls, 7.0 vs. 97.525/0.55%
* +5,000 Dec 80/83 call spds, 2.5 vs. 97.55/0.10%
Tsy options, Pit/screen:
* over -8,000 FVK 116 calls 11 vs. 115-20.2
* over +8,000 TYK 124.25 calls 19/64 vs. 123-26.5
* -10,000 TYK 123 puts, 9/64 vs. 123-26.5, over 25k on screen from 12- to 9/64
Blocks 0740ET
* 8,000 TYK 124.7/125.7/126.7 call flys, 5/64 net
--MNI Chicago Bureau; tel: +1 312-431-0089; email:

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