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VF Corp (VFC; Baa3 Neg, BBB- Neg) 4Q24 Results

  • Pessimistic takes on earnings tonight continuing to flow through this morning, Citi analyst pointing at web traffic as lead, we've mentioned poor BBG US card data previously. As we said 4Q sales is expected to be rough (c-12%), but margins, FCF, guidance & asset sales are areas we are eyeing for improvement in order to take a view on a curve that has been given the cold shoulder.
  • Final points ahead of Wednesday (night) results (unch from Monday);

  • Headlines this morning:


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  • Pessimistic takes on earnings tonight continuing to flow through this morning, Citi analyst pointing at web traffic as lead, we've mentioned poor BBG US card data previously. As we said 4Q sales is expected to be rough (c-12%), but margins, FCF, guidance & asset sales are areas we are eyeing for improvement in order to take a view on a curve that has been given the cold shoulder.
  • Final points ahead of Wednesday (night) results (unch from Monday);

  • Headlines this morning:


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