February 10, 2025 18:37 GMT
US: Voters Says Trump Is Doing What He Promised On Campaign Trail
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A new survey from CBShas found that most Americans describe Trump as "tough," "energetic," "focused" and "effective" — and believe he is “doing what he'd promised during his campaign…”
- CBS notes: “Many say he's doing more than they expected — and of those who say this, most like what they see. Very few think he's doing less."
- CBS adds: “His partisans and his voters, in particular, say he's got the right amount of focus on matters like ending diversity, equity and inclusion programs and deporting those who are in the country illegally. His deportation policy finds majority approval overall — just as most voters said they wanted during the campaign — and that extends to sending troops to the border, too."
- The report warns: “But one key issue looms: Most Americans say the administration isn't focused enough on lowering prices. Inflation was a key reason Mr. Trump won the election.”
Figure 1: “Describe Donald Trump as…?”

Source: CBS
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