September 02, 2024 14:34 GMT
WEATHER: US Cooling Demand Seen 8 CDD Above Normal This Week
US cooling demand for the week ending Sep. 7 is forecast to be 8 cooling degree days (CDD) above the long-term normal, according to Bloomberg, citing the NOAA.
- The regions with the largest deviation from the normal are the Pacific, 36 CDD above average, Mountain, 28 CDD above average, and E S Central, 7 CDD below average.
- In terms of states with the greatest deviations, Nevada is forecast to be +55 CDD above average, followed by California at +37 CDD above normal and Arizona at +30 CDD above average.
- This week’s total forecast for CDD is 56, compared to a normal of 48 and down from the actual figure of 74 from last week.
- During the week to Aug. 31, the US was 19 CDD above normal.
- Arizona and Oklahoma were the states with the highest total CDD at 126 CDD, 3 CDD below average and 31 CDD above average respectively.
- CDD measures the number of degrees that the mean daily temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, summed across an entire week. Greater values signify higher heating demand.
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