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With PM Theresa May reluctantly........>

GILT SUMMARY: With PM Theresa May reluctantly accepting a lengthy extension to
Article 50 there is renewed speculation that backbenchers will urge her to step
down. Former Brexit Secretary David Davis has been one of the first to fire a
warning shot as he argued that the new delay will increase pressure on May to
- Mirroring the recent criticism from Trade Secretary Liam Fox, Foreign
Secretary Jeremy Hunt has stated that a customs union would be unworkable for
the UK.   
- In reference to the Brexit extension, President of the European Council Donald
Tusk has warned that the UK should not waste time, although unhelpfully
parliament will rise for Easter recess from Thursday evening.
- Gilt yields have edged higher, albeit within a relatively tight range. Current
yield levels: 2-year 0.706%, 5-year 0.852%, 10-year 1.112%, 30-year 1.637%.
- The Jun-19 gilt future trades at 128.07, 9 ticks off the low.
- Short sterling futures are 1.0-1.5 ticks lower with slight underperformance in

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