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With the EU standing firm in its.......>

GILT SUMMARY: With the EU standing firm in its resolve to deny the UK a short
Article 50 extension without a credible plan from PM May to break the Brexit
impasse, speculation is mounting that the UK will opt for a longer extension
with the PM relaxing her red lines.
- This follows recent speculation that May could back Labour's proposed customs
union, which has incensed many eurosceptic Conservative backbenchers. The Daily
Telegraph has leaked a letter from Liam Fox in which the International Trade
Secretary argues that a customs union would be the 'worst of both worlds'.
- Gilts have rallied during the afternoon session with yields ~1bp lower on the
day. Current yield levels: 2-year 0.694%, 5-year 0.842%, 10-year 1.103%, 30-year
- The Jun-198 gilt future trades at 128.15 near the top of the days range.
- Short sterling futures are 0.5-1.5 ticks higher.  

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