September 18, 2024 01:05 GMT
ACGB Apr-37 Auction Result
The AOFM sells A$1.0bn of the 3.75% 21 April 2037 bond, #TB144:
- Average Yield (%): 3.9566 (prev. 4.5109)
- High Yield (%): 3.9575 (prev. 4.5125)
- Bid/Cover: 2.5400 (prev. 3.8083x)
- Amount Allotted at Highest Accepted Yield as Percentage of Amount Bid at that Yield (%): 73.1 (prev. 82.8)
- Bidders: 35 (prev. 36), successful 14 (prev. 14), allocated in full 5 (prev. 7)
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