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Aussie-dollar: Sep18 close...........>

AUSSIE SUMMARY: Aussie-dollar: Sep18 close $0.8019, Sep19 Asia range
$0.7992-0.8036, Europe $0.7946-0.8006
*The strong dollar theme continued into Asia, aussie slipped from $0.8036 to
$0.8009 in early dealings
*Recoveries were limited to $0.8019, rising UST yields, softer copper and ore
prices then pushed the Aussie down to $0.7994 before stalling
*Aussie edged lower into Europe, remarks from RBA's Lowe that said rising rates
abroad have no automatic implications to Australia, triggered fresh supply to
*Downside momentum continued as some market participants had been expecting the
RBA to follow suit with other Central banks (BOC). Rate touched pullback lows of
$0.7946, before dip buyers cushioned falls
*News that S&P cut China's rating to A+ from AA-; Outlook stable, challenged the
area of earlier lows. Aussie last $0.7959.

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