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CZECHIA: Zamrazilova Will Decide Between 25 or 50bp Rate Cut Next Week

  • "Czech central bank Vice-Governor Eva Zamrazilova will decide between a 25 basis point and a 50 bp interest rate cut at next week's policy meeting, she said, weighing up the effects of a firmer crown versus still strong growth in services prices." [Reuters News]
  • Those comments are in-line with with communication from other CNB officials. Governor Michl said last week "The debate at the next meeting at the end of June will probably be about whether to cut by 50 or by 25 bps. Both options are open, and in both cases, we will still be in the restrictive territory. Then we will be very cautious about further rate cuts."
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  • "Czech central bank Vice-Governor Eva Zamrazilova will decide between a 25 basis point and a 50 bp interest rate cut at next week's policy meeting, she said, weighing up the effects of a firmer crown versus still strong growth in services prices." [Reuters News]
  • Those comments are in-line with with communication from other CNB officials. Governor Michl said last week "The debate at the next meeting at the end of June will probably be about whether to cut by 50 or by 25 bps. Both options are open, and in both cases, we will still be in the restrictive territory. Then we will be very cautious about further rate cuts."