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Dallas Fed: US Likely Didn't Slip Into Recession In Early 2022

  • We find that most indicators—particularly those measuring labor markets—provide strong evidence that the U.S. economy did not fall into a recession in the first quarter.
  • "While not listed among the indicators considered by the NBER committee, the unemployment rate is also among the indicators pointing to labor market strength through the first half of 2022 (Chart 5, Panel B). It has declined from 3.9 percent in December 2021 to 3.6 percent in March 2022, where it has held steady through June. By month six, every other recession incurred an unemployment rate increase of at least 0.3 percentage points."
  • It builds on most recent comments from Cleveland Fed's Mester on not seeing a broad-based rolling pullback in activity across sectors.
  • Link:

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