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*** Data/speaker calendar (prior,...........>

OUTLOOK: *** Data/speaker calendar (prior, estimate): 
05-Apr 0830 Mar nonfarm payrolls (20k, 170k)
05-Apr 0830 Mar private payrolls (25k, 165k)
05-Apr 0830 Mar unemployment rate (3.8%, 3.8%)
05-Apr 0830 Mar average hourly earnings (0.4%, 0.3%)
05-Apr 0830 Mar average workweek, all workers (34.4hrs, 34.5hrs)
05-Apr 1100 Q2 St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
05-Apr 1115 Q2 NY Fed GDP Nowcast
05-Apr 1500 Feb consumer credit ($17.0B, $17.0B)
05-Apr 1530 Atl Fed Pres Bostic, "Disruption and Opportunity: Shaping Policy in
a Digital World", Andrew Young School of Policy Studies/Fiscal Research Cntr at
Georgia St Univ, audience Q&A

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