February 13, 2025 06:46 GMT
Italy is due to hold an auction today. The EU, Italy and France have all held syndications already this week while the Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Portugal have held auctions. We look for estimated gross issuance for the week of E49.1bln, up from E26.2bln last week.
- Today, Italy will hold a 3/7-year BTP auction. On offer will be E2.75-3.25bln of the on-the-run 3-year 2.70% Oct-27 BTP (ISIN: IT0005622128), E1.00-1.25bln of the off-the-run 3.45% Jul-31 BTP (ISIN: IT0005595803) and E1.00-1.25bln of the on-the-run 7-year 3.15% Nov-31 BTP (ISIN: IT0005619546).
- As announced alongside the syndication mandate, the 15+ year BTP line was cancelled to facilitate the Oct-40 BTP syndication.
For more details on issuance this week and next week see the full document here: EZ250213.pdf
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