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Europe's Retail Stagnation Contrasts With US Resilience


May's retail sales data suggested continued stagnation for European consumers: today's report showed a third consecutive month of flat Eurozone retail sales volumes.

  • This shouldn't be surprising, with squeezed real incomes hurting consumption and confidence low (even if rebounding from 2022 lows).
  • The data are not suggestive of a collapse but do represent a meaningful stagnation that should be taken in the context of volumes falling further below pre-pandemic trends.
  • Eurozone retail volumes are roughly 3-4% below the level they would have been if the 2013-2020 growth trend had continued, and even until Q2 2022 when the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war started to be felt they were roughly in line.
  • UK real retail sales meanwhile have actually picked up from late 2022 lows but are now around 11% below pre-pandemic trend.
  • By the same metric, the US recovery from the pandemic stands out, where real retail sales (there is no official volume index, so CPI-deflated) have also been steady since mid-2021 but remain around 5% above their pre-pandemic trend.
  • In this context, the US inflation squeeze continues to look more demand-led relative to the Eurozone and UK.

Source: Eurostat, ONS, Census Bureau, BLS, MNI Calculations

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