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EZ/UK Bond Supply Calendar: Finland Syndi; Green Bunds Due Tues

- Below are the known dates for auctions of European bonds and UK gilts. All times are UK.

"Nr future"----FinlandTBAApr-30 RFGBSynd; New
20-Aug-241030GermanyE750mln2.30% Feb-33 Green BundRe-open
20-Aug-241030GermanyE750mln0% Aug-50 Green BundRe-open
21-Aug-241000UKGBP3.75bln3.75% Mar-27 GiltRe-open
21-Aug-241030GermanyE4.5bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
26-Aug-241030EUTBA 21-AugEU-bond auctionTBA 21-Aug
27-Aug-241000ItalyTBA 22-AugBTP Short TermTBA 22-Aug
27-Aug-241030GermanyE4bln2.50% Oct-29 BoblRe-open
28-Aug-241000UKTBA 21-Aug0.75% Nov-33 linkerRe-open
28-Aug-241030PortugalTBA 23-AugPotential OT auctionTBA 23-Aug
29-Aug-241000ItalyTBA 26-Aug5-year BTPTBA 26-Aug
29-Aug-241000ItalyTBA 26-Aug10-year BTPTBA 26-Aug
29-Aug-241000ItalyTBA 26-AugCCTeuTBA 26-Aug
29-Aug-241100FinlandUp to E0.4blnORI Facility
W/C 2-Sep----UKTBAJan-40 GiltSynd; New
03-Sep-241000AustriaTBA 29-AugRAGBTBA 29-Aug
03-Sep-241030GermanyE4.5bln2.70% Sep-26 SchatzRe-open
04-Sep-241030GermanyE1bln2.60% May-41 BundRe-open
04-Sep-241030GermanyE500mln15-year BundTBA 27-Aug
05-Sep-240930SpainTBA 2-SepBono/OlbiTBA 30-Aug
05-Sep-240930SpainTBA 2-SepObliEiTBA 30-Aug
05-Sep-240950FranceTBA 30-AugLT OATsTBA 30-Aug
05-Sep-241000UKTBA 29-Aug4.125% Jul-29 GiltRe-open
06-Sep-241100BelgiumTBA 5-SepORI FacilityORI Facility
09-Sep-241445UKGBP650mlnLong APF Sales (20y+)
W/C 9-Sep----EUTBAEU-bond syndication
10-Sep-240900NetherlandsTBA 4-SepExisting DSL auctionTBA 4-Sep
10-Sep-241000UKTBA 3-Sep0.625% Mar-45 linkerRe-open
10-Sep-241030GermanyTBA 2-SepGreen auctionTBA 2-Sep
11-Sep-241000UKTBA 4-Sep4.25% Jul-34 GiltRe-open
11-Sep-241030GermanyE4.5bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
11-Sep-241030PortugalTBA 6-SepPotential OT auctionTBA 6-Sep
12-Sep-241000IrelandTBA 9-SepIGBTBA 9-Sep
12-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 9-Sep3-year BTPTBA 9-Sep
12-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 9-Sep7-year BTPTBA 9-Sep
12-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 9-Sep15-50-year BTPTBA 9-Sep
16-Sep-241000SlovakiaTBASlovGBTBA 9-Sep
16-Sep-241445UKGBP725mlnMedium APF Sales (7y-20y)
17-Sep-241000UKTBA 10-Sep4.375% Jul-54 GiltRe-open
17-Sep-241100FinlandE1.0-1.5blnConventional auctionTBA 13-Sep
18-Sep-241000GreeceTBA 17-SepGGBRe-open
18-Sep-241000UKTBA 11-Sep0.875% Jul-33 Green GiltRe-open
18-Sep-241030GermanyE1bln1.80% Aug-53 BundRe-open
18-Sep-241030GermanyE1bln30-year BundTBA 10-Sep
19-Sep-240930SpainTBA 16-SepBono/OlbiTBA 13-Sep
19-Sep-240950FranceTBA 13-SepMT OATsTBA 13-Sep
19-Sep-241050FranceTBA 13-SepIL OATsTBA 13-Sep
23-Sep-241030EUTBA 18-SepEU-bond auctionTBA 18-Sep
23-Sep-241100BelgiumTBA 20-SepConventional auctionTBA 17-Sep
24-Sep-241000UKTBA 17-Sep0.75% Nov-33 linkerRe-open
24-Sep-241030GermanyE4.5bln2.70% Sep-26 SchatzRe-open
25-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 20-SepBTP Short TermTBA 20-Sep
25-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 20-SepBTPeiTBA 20-Sep
25-Sep-241000UKTBA 18-Sep4.00% Oct-31 GiltRe-open
25-Sep-241030GermanyE3bln2.40% Nov-30 BundRe-open
25-Sep-241030PortugalTBA 20-SepPotential OT auctionTBA 20-Sep
27-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 24-Sep5-year BTPTBA 24-Sep
27-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 24-Sep10-year BTPTBA 24-Sep
27-Sep-241000ItalyTBA 24-SepCCTeuTBA 24-Sep
30-Sep-241445UKGBP800mlnShort APF Sales (3y-7y)
01-Oct-241000UKTBA 24-SepLong-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
01-Oct-241030GermanyE4bln2.50% Oct-29 BoblRe-open
02-Oct-241000UKTBA 25-SepShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
02-Oct-241030GermanyE4.5bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
03-Oct-240930SpainTBA 30-SepBono/OlbiTBA 27-Sep
03-Oct-240930SpainTBA 30-SepObliEiTBA 27-Sep
03-Oct-240950FranceTBA 27-SepLT OATsTBA 27-Sep
W/C 7-Oct----EUTBAEU-bond syndication
08-Oct-240900NetherlandsTBA 2-OctPotential DSL auctionTBA 2-Oct
08-Oct-241000AustriaTBA 3-OctRAGBTBA 3-Oct
08-Oct-241000UKTBA 1-OctI/L giltTBA 30-Aug
08-Oct-241030GermanyTBA 30-SepGreen auctionTBA 30-Sep
09-Oct-241000UKTBA 2-OctMedium-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
09-Oct-241030GermanyE1bln15-year BundTBA 1-Oct
09-Oct-241030GermanyE500mln15-year BundTBA 1-Oct
09-Oct-241030PortugalTBA 4-OctPotential OT auctionTBA 4-Oct
11-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 8-Oct3-year BTPTBA 8-Oct
11-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 8-Oct7-year BTPTBA 8-Oct
11-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 8-Oct15-50-year BTPTBA 8-Oct
15-Oct-241000UKTBA 8-OctLong-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
16-Oct-241000GreeceTBA 15-OctGGBRe-open
16-Oct-241000UKTBA 9-OctMedium-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
16-Oct-241030GermanyE1bln30-year BundTBA 8-Oct
16-Oct-241030GermanyE1bln30-year BundTBA 8-Oct
17-Oct-240930SpainTBA 14-OctBono/OlbiTBA 11-Oct
17-Oct-240950FranceTBA 11-OctMT OATsTBA 11-Oct
17-Oct-241050FranceTBA 11-OctIL OATsTBA 11-Oct
21-Oct-241000SlovakiaTBASlovGBTBA 14-Oct
21-Oct-241030EUTBA 16-OctEU-bond auctionTBA 16-Oct
21-Oct-241100BelgiumTBA 18-OctConventional auctionTBA 15-Oct
22-Oct-240900NetherlandsTBA 16-OctPotential DSL auctionTBA 16-Oct
22-Oct-241000UKTBA 15-OctI/L giltTBA 30-Aug
22-Oct-241030GermanyE5blnDec-26 SchatzNew
23-Oct-241000UKTBA 16-OctShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
23-Oct-241030GermanyE4bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
23-Oct-241030PortugalTBA 18-OctPotential OT auctionTBA 18-Oct
24-Oct-241100FinlandUp to E0.4blnORI Facility
25-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 22-OctBTP Short TermTBA 22-Oct
25-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 22-OctBTPeiTBA 22-Oct
29-Oct-241000UKTBA 22-OctShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
29-Oct-241030GermanyE4bln2.50% Oct-29 BoblRe-open
30-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 25-Oct5-year BTPTBA 25-Oct
30-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 25-Oct10-year BTPTBA 25-Oct
30-Oct-241000ItalyTBA 25-OctCCTeuTBA 25-Oct
31-Oct-241000UKTBA 24-OctLong-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
04-Nov-241030EUTBA 30-OctEU-bond auctionTBA 30-Oct
05-Nov-241000AustriaTBA 31-OctRAGBTBA 31-Oct
05-Nov-241000UKTBA 29-OctMedium-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
05-Nov-241030GermanyTBA 28-OctGreen auctionTBA 28-Oct
06-Nov-241030GermanyE1bln15-year BundTBA 29-Oct
06-Nov-241030GermanyE500mln15-year BundTBA 29-Oct
07-Nov-240930SpainTBA 4-NovBono/OlbiTBA 1-Nov
07-Nov-240930SpainTBA 4-NovObliEiTBA 1-Nov
07-Nov-240950FranceTBA 1-NovLT OATsTBA 1-Nov
08-Nov-241100BelgiumTBA 7-NovORI FacilityORI Facility
12-Nov-240900NetherlandsTBA 6-NovPotential DSL auctionTBA 6-Nov
12-Nov-241000UKTBA 5-NovLong-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
12-Nov-241030GermanyE5blnDec-26 SchatzRe-open
13-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 8-Nov3-year BTPTBA 8-Nov
13-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 8-Nov7-year BTPTBA 8-Nov
13-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 8-Nov15-50-year BTPTBA 8-Nov
13-Nov-241000UKTBA 6-NovShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
13-Nov-241030GermanyE4bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
13-Nov-241030PortugalTBA 8-NovPotential OT auctionTBA 8-Nov
18-Nov-241000SlovakiaTBASlovGBTBA 11-Nov
18-Nov-241100BelgiumTBA 15-NovConventional auctionTBA 12-Nov
W/C 18-Nov----EUTBAEU-bond syndication
19-Nov-241000UKTBA 12-NovMedium-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
20-Nov-241000GreeceTBA 19-NovGGBRe-open
20-Nov-241030GermanyE1bln30-year BundTBA 12-Nov
20-Nov-241030GermanyE1bln30-year BundTBA 12-Nov
21-Nov-240930SpainTBA 18-NovBono/OlbiTBA 15-Nov
21-Nov-240950FranceTBA 15-NovMT OATsTBA 15-Nov
21-Nov-241050FranceTBA 15-NovIL OATsTBA 15-Nov
25-Nov-241030EUTBA 20-NovEU-bond auctionTBA 20-Nov
26-Nov-240900NetherlandsTBA 20-NovPotential DSL auctionTBA 20-Nov
26-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 21-NovBTP Short TermTBA 21-Nov
26-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 21-NovBTPeiTBA 21-Nov
26-Nov-241030GermanyE4bln2.50% Oct-29 BoblRe-open
27-Nov-241030PortugalTBA 22-NovPotential OT auctionTBA 22-Nov
28-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 25-Nov5-year BTPTBA 25-Nov
28-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 25-Nov10-year BTPTBA 25-Nov
28-Nov-241000ItalyTBA 25-NovCCTeuTBA 25-Nov
28-Nov-241100FinlandUp to E0.4blnORI Facility
03-Dec-241000UKTBA 26-NovLong-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
03-Dec-241030GermanyE4.5blnDec-26 SchatzRe-open
04-Dec-241000UKTBA 27-NovShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
04-Dec-241030GermanyE3.5bln2.60% Aug-34 BundRe-open
05-Dec-240930SpainTBA 2-DecBono/OlbiTBA 29-Nov
05-Dec-240930SpainTBA 2-DecObliEiTBA 29-Nov
05-Dec-240950FranceTBA 29-NovNominal / IL OATsTBA 29-Nov
W/C 9-Dec----EUTBAPotential EU-bond syndication
10-Dec-240900NetherlandsTBA 4-DecPotential DSL auctionTBA 4-Dec
10-Dec-241000AustriaTBA 5-DecRAGBTBA 5-Dec
10-Dec-241000UKTBA 3-DecI/L giltTBA 30-Aug
11-Dec-241000UKTBA 4-DecMedium-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
11-Dec-241030PortugalTBA 6-DecPotential OT auctionTBA 6-Dec
12-Dec-240930SpainTBA 9-DecBono/OlbiTBA 6-Dec
12-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 9-Dec3-year BTPTBA 9-Dec
12-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 9-Dec7-year BTPTBA 9-Dec
12-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 9-Dec15-50-year BTPTBA 9-Dec
13-Dec-241100BelgiumTBA 12-DecORI FacilityORI Facility
16-Dec-241000SlovakiaTBAReserve auctionTBA 9-Dec
17-Dec-241000UKTBA 10-DecShort-dated giltTBA 30-Aug
31-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 23-Dec5-year BTPTBA 23-Dec
31-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 23-Dec10-year BTPTBA 23-Dec
31-Dec-241000ItalyTBA 23-DecCCTeuTBA 23-Dec
07-Jan-251000UKTBA 31-DecConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
08-Jan-251000UKTBA 1-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
09-Jan-250930SpainTBA 6-JanBono/OlbiTBA 3-Jan
09-Jan-250930SpainTBA 6-JanObliEiTBA 3-Jan
14-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 9-Jan3-year BTPTBA 9-Jan
14-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 9-Jan7-year BTPTBA 9-Jan
14-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 9-Jan15-50-year BTPTBA 9-Jan
14-Jan-251000UKTBA 7-JanI/L giltTBA 29-Nov
15-Jan-251000UKTBA 8-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
16-Jan-250930SpainTBA 13-JanBono/OlbiTBA 10-Jan
23-Jan-251000UKTBA 16-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
28-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 23-JanBTP Short TermTBA 23-Jan
28-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 23-JanBTPeiTBA 23-Jan
28-Jan-251000UKTBA 21-JanI/L giltTBA 29-Nov
29-Jan-251000UKTBA 22-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
30-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 27-Jan5-year BTPTBA 27-Jan
30-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 27-Jan10-year BTPTBA 27-Jan
30-Jan-251000ItalyTBA 27-JanCCTeuTBA 27-Jan
04-Feb-251000UKTBA 28-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
05-Feb-251000UKTBA 29-JanConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
11-Feb-251000UKTBA 4-FebI/L giltTBA 29-Nov
12-Feb-251000UKTBA 5-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
18-Feb-251000UKTBA 11-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
19-Feb-251000UKTBA 12-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
27-Feb-251000UKTBA 20-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
04-Mar-251000UKTBA 25-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
05-Mar-251000UKTBA 26-FebConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
11-Mar-251000UKTBA 4-MarConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
19-Mar-251000UKTBA 12-MarConventional giltTBA 29-Nov
25-Mar-251000UKTBA 18-MarI/L giltTBA 29-Nov
26-Mar-251000UKTBA 19-MarConventional giltTBA 29-Nov

See the notes section at the bottom for more colour.

  • Cancelled auctions:
    • Italy has announced that it will not hold its BTPEi auction on 27 August.
    • Slovakia has announced it will not use its 19 August reserve auction date.
    • Spain has cancelled its auction previously planned for August 22.
  • Austria plans 3-4 syndication in 2024 (it has held one triple tranche on 18 January and one single tranche on 22 May) and to raise E6.0bln through green issuance (with an 80/20 bond/bill split).
  • Belgium has launched its planned 3 new benchmark OLOs for in 2024 via syndications (3 in 2023). 5-year 2.70% Oct-29 OLO (launched on 9 April), 10-year 2.85% Oct-34 OLO (launched on 9 January) and 30-year 3.50% Jun-55 OLO launched on 7 February. Belgium has also sold USD1.25bln of the 30-year 4.875% Jun-55 USD bond and may hold further EMTN transactions if funding conditions remain favourable.
  • Finland plans 3 syndications in 2024, 30-year benchmark has already been issued (on 17 January), new 10-year on 23 April) with a third due in Q4 (5-7 / 15+ year). E10bln is expected to be raised at syndications in 2024 with E7bln raised so far.
  • France plans to launch the following new issues in 2024: one new 3-year OAT (launched 18 January), one new 5/6-year OAT (launched on 18 April), two new 10-year OATs via auction, new 30-year OAT via syndication (launched 27 February), one new 10-year OATei and under consideration is a 15-20-year OATi. 3.00% Jun-49 Green OAT was launched on 16 January.
  • Germany has held three syndications in 2024:The 30-year 2.50% Aug-54 Bund was launched in January and then reopened for a combined E10.5bln. The 1.80% Aug-53 Green Bund was reopened for E3.0bln in June.
  • Ireland intends to conduct "at least one" syndication in 2024. It launched a new 10-year IGB on 11 January.
  • Italy: New bonds to be issued in Q3 are a BTP Short Term maturing 28 August 2026 (minimum outstanding E9bln, launched 25 July), a 5-year BTP maturing 1 October 2029 (minimum outstanding E10bln), and a 10-year BTP maturing 1 February 2035 (minimum outstanding E10bln, to be launched 30 July). Bonds to be reopened in Q3 are the 3-year 3.45% Jul-27 BTP (minimum outstanding E9bln), the 5-year 3.35% Jul-29 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln already exceeded), the 7-year 3.45% Jul-31 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln), and the 10-year 3.85% Jul-34 BTP (minimum outstanding E10bln already exceeded).
  • Italy has launched two BTP Valores (first launched W/C 27 February and W/C 6 May) and one BTP Italia (on 2 Jul) in 2024 as of now. Possibility of new BTP Futura would be based on market conditions and demand for the instrument.
  • Slovakia plans to raise E4.5-5.5bln through syndications in 2024 with 2-3 new issues launched: one 2-year (launched on 5 February, max issue size E1.5bln), one 4- year (launched on 5 February, max issue size E3bln), one 10-year (launched on 27 February; max issue size E5bln).
  • The BOE will announce its 2024/25 APF sales target on 19 September (if there are active sales, the Q4-24 schedule will be announced simultaneously).
  • The UK DMO will hold its next quarterly consultation meetings with investors and GEMMs to discuss FQ3 issuance on Monday 19 August.
  • The UK DMO plans to hold a linker syndication in FQ3 (Oct-Dec).

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