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EZ/UK T-Bill Calendar: 1/3/6-Month UKTB Auction on Friday

Below are the known dates for auctions of European T-bills and UK T-bills. All times are UK.

DateTime (UK)CountryAmountTermMaturityNotes
15-Dec-231100UKGBP1.5bln1-monthJan 15, 2024Re-open
15-Dec-231100UKGBP2.0bln3-monthMar 18, 2024Re-open
15-Dec-231100UKGBP2.0bln6-monthJun 17, 2024New
18-Dec-231350FranceTBA 15-Dec12-weekMar 13, 2024Re-open
18-Dec-231350FranceTBA 15-Dec23-weekMay 29, 2024New
18-Dec-231350FranceTBA 15-Dec49-weekNov 27, 2024Re-open
22-Dec-231100UKTBA 15-Dec1-monthJan 22, 2024Re-open
22-Dec-231100UKTBA 15-Dec3-monthMar 25, 2024Re-open
22-Dec-231100UKTBA 15-Dec6-monthJun 24, 2024New
27-Dec-231350FranceTBA13-weekMar 28, 2024New
27-Dec-231350FranceTBA22-weekMay 29, 2024Re-open
27-Dec-231350FranceTBA48-weekNov 27, 2024Re-open
02-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 29-DecShortMay 9, 2024Re-open
02-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 29-DecMediumJul 11, 2024Re-open
09-Jan-240945SpainTBA 8-Jan6-monthJul 5, 2024Re-open
09-Jan-240945SpainTBA 8-Jan12-monthJan 10, 2025New
09-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 5-JanShortMay 9, 2024Re-open
09-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 5-JanLongJan 9, 2025New
09-Jan-241130ESMTBA 5-Jan3-monthTBA 5-JanNew
10-Jan-241000ItalyTBA 5-Jan12-monthTBA 5-JanNew
16-Jan-240945SpainTBA 15-Jan3-monthApr 12, 2024Re-open
16-Jan-240945SpainTBA 15-Jan9-monthOct 4, 2024Re-open
23-Jan-241130ESMTBA 19-Jan6-monthTBA 19-JanNew
26-Jan-241000ItalyTBA 23-Jan6-monthTBA 23-JanNew
30-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 26-JanShortMay 9, 2024Re-open
30-Jan-241030BelgiumTBA 26-JanMediumNov 7, 2024Re-open
06-Feb-241030BelgiumTBA 2-FebShortMay 9, 2024Re-open
06-Feb-241030BelgiumTBA 2-FebLongJan 9, 2025Re-open
06-Feb-241130ESMTBA 2-Feb3-monthTBA 2-FebNew
20-Feb-241130ESMTBA 16-Feb6-monthTBA 16-FebNew
05-Mar-241030BelgiumTBA 1-MarShortJul 11, 2024Re-open
05-Mar-241130ESMTBA 1-Mar3-monthTBA 1-MarNew
12-Mar-241030BelgiumTBA 8-MarShortJul 11, 2024Re-open
12-Mar-241030BelgiumTBA 8-MarLongMar 13, 2025New
19-Mar-241130ESMTBA 15-Mar6-monthTBA 15-MarNew
02-Apr-241030BelgiumTBA 29-MarShortJul 11, 2024Re-open
02-Apr-241030BelgiumTBA 29-MarMediumNov 7, 2024Re-open
02-Apr-241130ESMTBA 29-Mar3-monthTBA 29-MarNew
09-Apr-241030BelgiumTBA 5-AprShortJul 11, 2024Re-open
09-Apr-241030BelgiumTBA 5-AprLongMar 13, 2025Re-open
16-Apr-241130ESMTBA 12-Apr6-monthTBA 12-AprNew
30-Apr-241030BelgiumTBA 26-AprMediumNov 7, 2024Re-open
07-May-241030BelgiumTBA 3-MayLongMay 8, 2025Re-open
07-May-241130ESMTBA 3-May3-monthTBA 3-MayNew
21-May-241130ESMTBA 17-May6-monthTBA 17-MayNew
04-Jun-241030BelgiumTBA 31-MayMediumJan 9, 2025Re-open
04-Jun-241130ESMTBA 31-May3-monthTBA 31-MayNew
11-Jun-241030BelgiumTBA 7-JunLongMay 8, 2025Re-open
18-Jun-241130ESMTBA 14-Jun6-monthTBA 14-JunNew
02-Jul-241030BelgiumTBA 28-JunShortNov 7, 2024Re-open
02-Jul-241030BelgiumTBA 28-JunMediumJan 9, 2025Re-open
09-Jul-241030BelgiumTBA 5-JulShortNov 7, 2024Re-open
09-Jul-241030BelgiumTBA 5-JulLongJul 10, 2025New
30-Jul-241030BelgiumTBA 26-JulShortNov 7, 2024Re-open
06-Aug-241030BelgiumTBA 2-AugShortNov 7, 2024Re-open
06-Aug-241030BelgiumTBA 2-AugLongJul 10, 2025Re-open
03-Sep-241030BelgiumTBA 30-AugShortJan 9, 2025Re-open
03-Sep-241030BelgiumTBA 30-AugMediumMar 13, 2025Re-open
10-Sep-241030BelgiumTBA 6-SepShortJan 9, 2025Re-open
10-Sep-241030BelgiumTBA 6-SepLongSep 11, 2025New
01-Oct-241030BelgiumTBA 27-SepShortJan 9, 2025Re-open
08-Oct-241030BelgiumTBA 4-OctShortJan 9, 2025Re-open
08-Oct-241030BelgiumTBA 4-OctMediumSep 11, 2025Re-open
05-Nov-241030BelgiumTBA 1-NovShortMar 13, 2025Re-open
05-Nov-241030BelgiumTBA 1-NovMediumMay 8, 2025Re-open
12-Nov-241030BelgiumTBA 8-NovShortMar 13, 2025Re-open
12-Nov-241030BelgiumTBA 8-NovLongNov 13, 2025New
03-Dec-241030BelgiumTBA 29-NovShortMar 13, 2025Re-open
10-Dec-241030BelgiumTBA 6-DecShortMar 13, 2025Re-open
10-Dec-241030BelgiumTBA 6-DecLongNov 13, 2025Re-open

Cancelled auctions:

  • Austria has announced the cancellation of the ATB reserve auction scheduled for 19 December.
  • The EU has announced not to use its optional EU-bill auction scheduled for 20 December.
  • Italy has cancelled the BOT auction scheduled for 27 December.

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