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FED: Barkin - Fed Can't Declare Inflation Battle Over


Reuters has run headlines from Richmond Fed’s Barkin (’24 voter) ahead of his scheduled appearance at 1215ET. They don’t appear too surprising considering AP published an interview with him Sep 26 on the need for a two-phase approach to easing policy. He said at the time that “With inflation and unemployment being so close to normal levels, it's okay to dial back the level of restraint, somewhat...I'm not yet ready to declare victory on inflation. And so I wouldn't dial it back all the way" to neutral.


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Reuters has run headlines from Richmond Fed’s Barkin (’24 voter) ahead of his scheduled appearance at 1215ET. They don’t appear too surprising considering AP published an interview with him Sep 26 on the need for a two-phase approach to easing policy. He said at the time that “With inflation and unemployment being so close to normal levels, it's okay to dial back the level of restraint, somewhat...I'm not yet ready to declare victory on inflation. And so I wouldn't dial it back all the way" to neutral.


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