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Finance Ministry Publishes Debt Supply Schedule For June

  • Rzeczpospolita reported that there is a growing amount of evidence that Russian foreign military intelligence agency GRU was behind the recent series of arsons in Poland. The newspaper wrote that people involved in the arsons were offered EUR10-15k and recruited through Telegram.
  • The MPC adopted a resolution with a positive assessment of the NBP's Management Board role in implementing the assumptions of monetary policy for 2023. The document was signed by nine members, i.e. all except Joanna Tyrowicz.
  • Polish Finance Ministry may release its bond supply schedule for June at 14:00BST/15:00CEST.
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  • Rzeczpospolita reported that there is a growing amount of evidence that Russian foreign military intelligence agency GRU was behind the recent series of arsons in Poland. The newspaper wrote that people involved in the arsons were offered EUR10-15k and recruited through Telegram.
  • The MPC adopted a resolution with a positive assessment of the NBP's Management Board role in implementing the assumptions of monetary policy for 2023. The document was signed by nine members, i.e. all except Joanna Tyrowicz.
  • Polish Finance Ministry may release its bond supply schedule for June at 14:00BST/15:00CEST.