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France Data: New Car Registrations,Pct Chg Summary

Release for: November 2017
Source: French Auto Constructors Association
Data for reporting month are preliminary
                  ---Reporting Month---        ---Year-to-Date---
MAKER          Nov16   Nov17  %CHG  SHARE    Nov16    Nov17  %CHG  SHARE
Peugeot        26718   33261  24.5   18.5   308487   337675   9.5   17.6
Renault        41326   43533   5.3   24.2   465493   483627   3.9   25.2
Citroen        14468   16027  10.8    8.9   180392   187097   3.7    9.8
Total French   84227  101080  20.0   56.2   981523  1049535   6.9   54.7
Other           4981    5635  13.1    3.1    53578    56771   6.0    3.0
Total Market  163161  180012  10.3  100.0  1820805  1917383   5.3  100.0

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