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FTN's Jim Vogel quipped on tax.......>

US TSYS/STOCKS: FTN's Jim Vogel quipped on tax reform that "even the fastest
news services couldn't keep up with tax reform developments yesterday evening.
Let's just say it was messy and everyone is trying to move on today. This
morning could easily produce additional confusion, but traders appear ready to
chase each tick of the process. Outside tech stocks, equities are holding it
together better than expected and bonds have bull flattened 5bp after Thursday's
selloff. Voting that was postponed last night could resume as early as late
- He adds that "markets believe getting 'something' through the Senate
eliminates the biggest obstacle to passing tax cuts. The content of 'something'
really doesn't matter according to this view, and that accounts for Thursday's
momentum that buoyed US stocks and tumbled bond prices. If you try to interject
a "well, actually," into that belief, be prepared for your positions to be
whipsawed multiple times before you can enjoy being correct." He adds "so far it
has not paid to be skeptical about Congressional efforts, because to date, each
major hurdle has been knocked aside." 

To read the full story



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