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Germany Cal 2025 Power Premium to France Widens


The German Cal 2025 power base-load contract widened the premium to the French equivalent to the highest since 16 April today, as gains in the wider European energy complex supported the German curve due to its fossil-fuel intensive power mix.

    • France Power Cal 25 up 2.69% at 85 EUR/MWh
    • Germany Power Cal 25 up 3.7% at 97.17 EUR/MWh
  • Germany Cal 2025 power base load is currently tracking the highest since 19 April.
  • The premium to the French equivalent has been widening to €12.26/MWh today, the highest since 16 April.
  • EU ETS for December 2025 delivery have extended gains today to the highest since 10 May, supported by gains in European fuel prices and as well ass support from the front curve.
  • Front year TTF prices are currently tracking the highest since 19 April.
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The German Cal 2025 power base-load contract widened the premium to the French equivalent to the highest since 16 April today, as gains in the wider European energy complex supported the German curve due to its fossil-fuel intensive power mix.

    • France Power Cal 25 up 2.69% at 85 EUR/MWh
    • Germany Power Cal 25 up 3.7% at 97.17 EUR/MWh
  • Germany Cal 2025 power base load is currently tracking the highest since 19 April.
  • The premium to the French equivalent has been widening to €12.26/MWh today, the highest since 16 April.
  • EU ETS for December 2025 delivery have extended gains today to the highest since 10 May, supported by gains in European fuel prices and as well ass support from the front curve.
  • Front year TTF prices are currently tracking the highest since 19 April.