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Global News and Data Calendar

--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date    GMT /Local          Event
17-Apr  0130/1130  ***  AU  RBA board meeting minutes
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  GDP
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Fixed-Asset Investment
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Industrial Output
17-Apr  0200/1000  ***  CN  Retail Sales
17-Apr  0800/1000  ***  IT  HICP (f)
17-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Labour Market Survey
17-Apr  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Conditions Index
17-Apr  0900/1100  ***  DE  ZEW Current Expectations Index
17-Apr  1130/1330       DE  BBK Board member Joachim Wuermeling speech at the
                              Conference of the Wegweiser Group on "Ethics and
                              Digitalization", in Berlin.
17-Apr  1230/0830  ***  US  housing starts
17-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  NY Fed Business Leaders Survey
17-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  International Canadian Transaction in Securities
17-Apr  1230/0830  ***  CA  Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
17-Apr  1255/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
17-Apr  1300/0900       US  International Monetary Fund to release World
                              Economic Outlook.
17-Apr  1315/0915  ***  US  Industrial Production
17-Apr  1315/0915       US  San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John
                              Williams to speak at the NABE-Bank of Spain Event
                              in Madrid, with audience Q&A.
17-Apr  1400/1000       US  Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision
                              Governor Randal Quarles to provide semi-annual
                              testimony before the House Financial Services
17-Apr  1500/1100       US  Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President
                              Patrick Harker to speak at Saint Joseph's
                              University in Philadelphia, with audience Q&A.
17-Apr  1600/1800       EU  BBK Board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele speech at the
                              Lecture at the University of Hohenheim, in
17-Apr  1740/1340       US  Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles
                              Evans to speak at the Chicago Rotary Club Luncheon
                              in Chicago, with audience and media Q&A.
17-Apr  1745/1945       DE  BBK Board member Joachim Wuermeling speech at
                              F.A.Z.-Conference on sustainability and capital
                              investment, in Frankfurt.
18-Apr  2350/0850  **   JP  Trade
18-Apr  0030/1030  *    AU  Westpac-MI leading index
18-Apr  0600/0800  *    EU  ACEA car registrations
18-Apr  0800/1000  *    IT  industrial orders
18-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Producer Prices
18-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Consumer inflation report
18-Apr  0900/1000  *    UK  ONS House Price Index
18-Apr  0900/1100  **   EU  construction production
18-Apr  0900/1100  ***  EU  HICP (f)
18-Apr  1100/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
18-Apr  1100/1200       UK  Weekly questions to the Prime Minister
18-Apr  1400/1000  ***  CA  Interest Rate Announcement Bank of Canada
18-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
18-Apr  1515/1115       CA  BOC Gov Stephen Poloz and Senior Deputy Gov
                              Carolyn Wilkins press conference at the National
                              Press Theatre, Ottawa, ON.
18-Apr  1800/1400       US  Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for
                              upcoming FOMC meeting in Washington.
18-Apr  1900/1500       US  New York Federal Reserve Bank President William
                              Dudley to participate in a conversation on the
                              State of the Economy in Bronx, New York, with
                              audience Q&A.
18-Apr  2015/1615       US  Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision
                              Governor Randal Quarles to  speak on "Navigating
                              New Opportunities: Transatlantic Regulatory
                              Reform" at the Bretton Woods Committee 2018 Annual
                              Meeting in Washington, with moderated Q&A.
19-Apr      -           EU  ECB President Mario Draghi and Executive Board
                              member Benoit Coeure participation in Annual
                              Meetings of the World Bank Group and the IMF, in
                              Washington, D.C.
19-Apr      -           EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Ignazio Angeloni
                              speech at Special Session of the European
                              Breakfast series organised by the Peterson
                              Institute for International Economics, in
                              Washington, D.C
19-Apr  2245/1045  ***  NZ  CPI inflation quarterly
19-Apr  0130/1130  ***  AU  Labor force survey
19-Apr  0130/1130  **   AU  NAB quarterly business survey
19-Apr  0300/1500  ***  NZ  RBNZ factor model inflation
19-Apr  0800/1000  **   EU  current account
19-Apr  0830/0930  ***  UK  Retail Sales
19-Apr  1200/0800       US  Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard to speak at
                              the 2018 Global Finance Forum in Washington, with
                              audience Q&A.
19-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
19-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  Non-residential building investment
19-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index
19-Apr  1330/0930       US  Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision
                              Governor Randal Quarles to provide semi-annual
                              testimony before the Senate Banking Committee.
19-Apr  1345/0945  *    US  Bloomberg Comfort Index
19-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  leading indicators
19-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
19-Apr  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
19-Apr  2245/1845       US  Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President Loretta
                              Mester to speak at the University of Pittsburgh
                              Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and
                              Deloitte LLP in Pittsburgh, with audience and
                              media Q&A.
20-Apr  2330/0830  ***  JP  CPI
20-Apr  0600/0800  **   DE  PPI
20-Apr  1130/1330       EU  ECB Gov. Council member Jens Weidmann, BBK Board
                              members Claudia M. Buch and Andreas Dombret
                              participation in spring meeting of the IWF and the
                              World Bank, in Washington D.C.
20-Apr  1230/0830  ***  CA  CPI
20-Apr  1230/0830  ***  CA  Retail Trade
20-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  Building Permits
20-Apr  1340/0940       US  Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles
                              Evans to speak at the Graaskamp Center Spring
                              Board Conference in Chicago, with audience and
                              media Q&A.
20-Apr  1400/1000  *    US  BLS State Employment
20-Apr  1400/1600  **   EU  consumer confidence indicator (p)
20-Apr  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
20-Apr  1515/1115       US  San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President John
                              Williams to participate in a Fireside chat at the
                              UC Berkeley Fischer Center for Real Estate and
                              Urban Economies in Pebble Beach, California.
20-Apr  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
23-Apr  0700/0900  *    ES  services survey
23-Apr  0700/0900  *    ES  industrial orders
23-Apr  0700/0900  **   FR  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
23-Apr  0700/0900  **   FR  Markit Services PMI (p)
23-Apr  0730/0930  **   DE  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
23-Apr  0730/0930  **   DE  Markit Services PMI (p)
23-Apr  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Manufacturing PMI (p)
23-Apr  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Composite PMI (p)
23-Apr  0800/1000  **   EU  Markit Services PMI (p)
23-Apr  0900/1100  *    EU  annual government deficit and debt (1st est.)
23-Apr  1230/0830  **   CA  Wholesale Trade
23-Apr  1345/0945  ***  US  Markit Services Index (flash)
23-Apr  1345/0945  ***  US  Markit Manufacturing Index (flash)
23-Apr  1400/1000  ***  US  NAR existing home sales
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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