January 22, 2025 10:28 GMT
POWER: Italian Hydro Stocks Fall But Narrow Deficit On Year
- Italian hydropower reserves last week – calendar week 3 – fell at their fastest pace this year from the previous week, dropping by 0.11TWh to 2.75TWh, however, stocks narrowed their deficit to the same week in 2024.
- Reserves narrowed their deficit to the same week in 2024 to 0.18TWh from 0.20TWh in week 2.
- But stocks stood just 0.04TWh above the five-year average last week after being at a 0.06TWh surplus the week prior
- There was no precipitation in Torino near Italy’s hydro-intensive region last week, limiting inflows into reserves again. This is below the 30-year norm.
- Looking ahead, the latest ECMWF weather forecast for Torino suggests precipitation to just total 22.3mm over 20-26 January.
- Italy’s hydro balance is forecast to end this week at -3.71TWh on 26 January, up from -3.72TWh in the previous forecasts. The balance is further expected to end at -3.26TWh on 6 February.
Wind generation in Italy for the remainder of this week is forecast between 0.514-1.95GW or 5-18% load factors, with output early next week at just 25-34% load factors over 27- 28 January, according to SpotRenewables.
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