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(M9) Nurses Week's Wounds.......>

AUSSIE 3-YEAR TECHS: (M9) Nurses Week's Wounds
*RES 3: 98.918 - 123.6% Fib Projection (97.775-98.700)
*RES 2: 98.813 - 1st Pivot Resistance 98.270-98.700
*RES 1: 98.700 - 2019/All Time High
*PRICE: 98.605 @ 16:22 BST Apr5
*SUP 1: 98.482 - 23.6% Fib Retracement (97.775 - 98.700)
*SUP 2: 98.447 - 50-dma
*SUP 3: 98.269 - 100-dma
After hitting all time highs last week, it's clear bullish momentum is petering
out, with several sessions of declines clocked before Friday. Only a
mixed-to-poor US nonfarm payrolls report was enough to halt the decline, but the
onus remains lower. With near-term upside momentum now almost entirely drained,
this makes another test on alltime highs of 98.70 more challenging. Bulls need
to recover that mark to initially target 1st pivot resistance at 98.813 and the
98.918 Fib projection. First support kicks in at 98.482, with the 50-dma
underpinning at 98.447.

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