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*** Minutes from the March 19-20 FOMC are.......>

FED: *** Minutes from the March 19-20 FOMC are released at 1400ET/1800GMT.
- Reminder: the FOMC lowered growth forecasts and removed the two rate hikes it
had seen by end-2019, while calling an end to balance sheet runoff in September.
- Sell-side analysts consensus is that there will be little new in the minutes,
given the fairly consistent post-meeting Fed speakers` emphasis on a patient,
data-dependent approach. But there are a few interesting points to watch for:
* Balance of risks to the inflation/economic outlook, and what conditions it
would take to end the neutral/patient stance (i.e. inflation and growth data)
* Any discussion of rate cuts
* Balance sheet discussion: any clues on asset duration, potential `twist`
* On liabilities side, any assessment of reserve scarcity. Note that FOMC likely
saw results of February Senior Financial Officer Survey at the March meeting,
which would include indications of reserve demand / management at banks. Results
of this survey are likely to be released alongside Minutes
* Any discussion of whether participants believe the market may misinterpret
changing balance sheet policy

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