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**MNI 5 THINGS: Chicago PMI Eases in '18 After Strong End '17

MNI (London)
     **LONDON (MNI) - The following are the key points from the February MNI
Chicago Business Barometer:
     - The MNI Chicago Business Barometer fell 3.8 points to 61.9 in February, a
six-month low, extending the 2.1 point drop recorded last month. Although this
is the first time the Barometer has recorded two consecutive monthly declines in
just over a year, it has now stood above the 60-mark for six straight months,
remaining in expansion mode for twenty four consecutive months.   
     - The pace of incoming orders and output eased again in February. Firms
reported large promotions at the back-end of last year, a seasonal demand dip
and bad weather this month as reasons why activity slowed. New Orders and
Production fell to respective six and five-month lows in February, although
remained elevated against the backdrop of the last few years.
     - Based on the non-seasonally adjusted survey data, 38.5% of respondents
said they encountered higher input prices this month, down from the
six-and-a-half year high of 48.1% last month. Steel, wood, foam and alloys were
among the materials to have impacted firms in February.       
     - Looking forward, the majority, and exactly half, of firms surveyed felt
their business activity will be challenged over the forthcoming year by the
price of key inputs. Just 6% saw input prices aiding their business while the
remaining 44% felt they would have next to no impact.
     - Order Backlogs continued the descent towards more familiar territory in
February, falling 3.1 points to hit the lowest level in just 2 months shy of a
year. Unfulfilled orders peaked early in the final quarter of 2017, as increased
demand and adverse logistical conditions made satisfying orders challenging, and
have been trending lower since.
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |

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