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MNI 5 THINGS: Energy Boosts Industrial Prices in January>

     By Yali N'Diaye 
     OTTAWA (MNI) - The following are the key points from the January 
data on the Canadian Industrial Product Price Index released Wednesday 
by Statistics Canada: 
     - The unadjusted Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI) rose 0.3% in 
January, more than erasing December's 0.1% decline, and marking the 
largest gain since November 2017. Prices rose 2.0% year-over-year. 
     - Energy and petroleum prices, which rose 3.4% after a 6.2% gain in 
December, were the main positive contributor. Excluding this commodity 
group, industrial prices edged down 0.1% on the month. 
     - The Canadian dollar 2.7% appreciation against the greenback in 
January offset the upward pressure from higher energy prices, as the 
IPPI would have been up 1.0% on the month had the loonie remained 
     - The January 0.3% IPPI increase suggests manufacturing sales won't 
benefit from a significant positive price effect in January. 
     --Raw material prices rose 3.3% in January, and were up 7.7% 
year-over-year, also boosted by energy. Excluding a 5.9% gain in crude 
energy, raw material prices were up 1.2% on the month and 3.6% on the 
--MNI Ottawa Bureau; email: 

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