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MNI: Canada Retails Jump In April After Weak First Quarter

Canadian retail sales rose 0.7% in April for the largest increase since last September, breaking a three-month decline, the federal statistics office said Friday.

While Statistics Canada's April advance figure didn't come with an industry breakdown, March's 0.2% fall was broad-based, with seven of nine sub-sectors declining. The decrease was led by furniture and appliances while motor vehicles and parts partially offset the fall with a 1% increase. The decrease in March was in line with consensus expectations, although lower than the Statistics Canada flash estimate for no change.  

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Canadian retail sales rose 0.7% in April for the largest increase since last September, breaking a three-month decline, the federal statistics office said Friday.

While Statistics Canada's April advance figure didn't come with an industry breakdown, March's 0.2% fall was broad-based, with seven of nine sub-sectors declining. The decrease was led by furniture and appliances while motor vehicles and parts partially offset the fall with a 1% increase. The decrease in March was in line with consensus expectations, although lower than the Statistics Canada flash estimate for no change.  

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