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MNI: Europe To Sharpen Trade Tools To Tackle Dumping

The European Commission says it will sharpen its trade tools to stop the bloc becoming a dumping ground.

MNI (BRUSSELS) - The European Commission will "sharpen" its trade tools to make sure the European Union does not become a "backfilling destination" for excess global capacity in an era of increased “global geo-economic competition,” it said in an early draft of its Clean Industrial Deal seen by MNI.

"As protectionist measures are multiplying across the globe, there is a risk that global overcapacities will be redirected to the EU market," it said in the document due to be published later this week.

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MNI (BRUSSELS) - The European Commission will "sharpen" its trade tools to make sure the European Union does not become a "backfilling destination" for excess global capacity in an era of increased “global geo-economic competition,” it said in an early draft of its Clean Industrial Deal seen by MNI.

"As protectionist measures are multiplying across the globe, there is a risk that global overcapacities will be redirected to the EU market," it said in the document due to be published later this week.

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