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MNI: FRANCE DATA: Industrial Production (Feb 2019)...>

MNI: FRANCE DATA: Industrial Production (Feb 2019) Review - 07:45 BST
- French IP surprised to the upside in Feb, coming in at 0.4% m/m and 0.6%
- ... beating market expectations of -0.5% m/m and -0.2% y/y
- Manufacturing production and construction drove the expansion in headline IP,
both increasing by 1.1% m/m
- Across the key manufacturing sectors, non-durable consumer goods saw the
strongest monthly increase (2.1%) while consumer durables saw a marginal decline
-... while production of capital (1.0%) and intermediate (0.7%) goods also
strengthened on the month
- Downward pressure came from output in the 'extractive industries, energy and
water' category, which saw a decline of 3.8% over the month
- Looking at the 3m/3m trend, overall industrial production was up 0.7% in
Dec-Feb compared to Sep-Nov

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