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MNI INTERVIEW: Fed Already Well Behind The Curve On Cuts -Tracy


Former Dallas Fed executive vice president and senior adviser Joseph Tracy discusses the U.S. economic outlook.

The Federal Reserve should have lowered interest rates by now to keep monetary policy from tightening further and help ensure a soft landing, Joseph Tracy, who spent more than two decades in leadership roles at the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Dallas told MNI.

The inflation-adjusted target rate for the U.S. central bank has been increasing over the past year despite the perception that the FOMC has stayed on the sidelines. With signs that economic activity is weakening and the labor market loosening, the Fed's benchmark rate should be following the progress of inflation downward, Tracy said.

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The Federal Reserve should have lowered interest rates by now to keep monetary policy from tightening further and help ensure a soft landing, Joseph Tracy, who spent more than two decades in leadership roles at the Federal Reserve Banks of New York and Dallas told MNI.

The inflation-adjusted target rate for the U.S. central bank has been increasing over the past year despite the perception that the FOMC has stayed on the sidelines. With signs that economic activity is weakening and the labor market loosening, the Fed's benchmark rate should be following the progress of inflation downward, Tracy said.

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