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MNI INTERVIEW: Labor Cracks To Drive Fed Cuts- Staffing Group


American Staffing Association chief economist says higher interest rates are weakening employment.

The U.S. job market is weakening under pressure from the Federal Reserve’s high interest rates and the resulting slack will allow policymakers to cut borrowing costs twice this year, American Staffing Association Chief Economist Noah Yasif told MNI.

“We're projecting the first cut to come towards the tail end of the summer, then we’re also looking at one towards the end of the year,” he said in an interview, adding that if conditions warrant the second move could be a 50-basis point cut.

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The U.S. job market is weakening under pressure from the Federal Reserve’s high interest rates and the resulting slack will allow policymakers to cut borrowing costs twice this year, American Staffing Association Chief Economist Noah Yasif told MNI.

“We're projecting the first cut to come towards the tail end of the summer, then we’re also looking at one towards the end of the year,” he said in an interview, adding that if conditions warrant the second move could be a 50-basis point cut.

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