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MNI INTERVIEW: SNB Cut Or Hold Decision "50:50" - Wyplosz


Prominent Swiss-based economist Charles Wyplosz talks to MNI about the SNB.

The chances of the Swiss National Bank holding its policy rate at 1.5% or cutting by 25 basis points when it meets next week are about even, prominent Swiss-based economist Charles Wyplosz told MNI, with inflation on target but officials likely to be wary of the potential for European political turbulence to feed inflows and strengthen the franc.

Having lowered rates by 0.25 percentage point in March, and with inflation currently within the 0-2% target range at 1.4%, with the core measure at 1.2%, the SNB may feel the time is right to “cement progress and wait a while” before moving again, Wyplosz said in an interview.

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The chances of the Swiss National Bank holding its policy rate at 1.5% or cutting by 25 basis points when it meets next week are about even, prominent Swiss-based economist Charles Wyplosz told MNI, with inflation on target but officials likely to be wary of the potential for European political turbulence to feed inflows and strengthen the franc.

Having lowered rates by 0.25 percentage point in March, and with inflation currently within the 0-2% target range at 1.4%, with the core measure at 1.2%, the SNB may feel the time is right to “cement progress and wait a while” before moving again, Wyplosz said in an interview.

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