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MNI INTERVIEW: Too Soon To Declare Inflation Victory - NBP's Tyrowicz

Dissenting Polish central banker Joanna Tyrowicz assesses outlook for rates, inflation.

Repeated downside surprises suggest Polish price pressures may be lower in the second half of the year than previously projected, but it is too early to have confidence in core inflation trends and the National Bank of Poland must remain alert to upside risks, NBP Monetary Policy Council member Joanna Tyrowicz told MNI. 

Tyrowicz, who alone among Council members has advocated raising the base rate by 200 basis points at every meeting this year, said it was “way too early” to make decisive statements about the future development of CPI inflation and its path to the target. The NBP is expected to hold its base rate at 5.75% for the remainder of the year, with CPI at 2.5% and core at 3.8% in May. (See MNI EM INTERVIEW: NBP Likely To Hold Rates In 2024 - Dabrowski)

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Repeated downside surprises suggest Polish price pressures may be lower in the second half of the year than previously projected, but it is too early to have confidence in core inflation trends and the National Bank of Poland must remain alert to upside risks, NBP Monetary Policy Council member Joanna Tyrowicz told MNI. 

Tyrowicz, who alone among Council members has advocated raising the base rate by 200 basis points at every meeting this year, said it was “way too early” to make decisive statements about the future development of CPI inflation and its path to the target. The NBP is expected to hold its base rate at 5.75% for the remainder of the year, with CPI at 2.5% and core at 3.8% in May. (See MNI EM INTERVIEW: NBP Likely To Hold Rates In 2024 - Dabrowski)

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