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MNI NORGES WATCH: Timing Of First Cut Seen Pushed Back

(MNI) London

Norges Bank is set to leave policy on hold with the focus on its projections for rate cuts.

The Norges Bank looks set to leave its key policy rate unchanged at 4.50% at its June meeting, with the focus on whether its updated policy rate path will reinforce May's hawkish guidance that "a tight monetary policy stance may be needed for somewhat longer than previously envisaged."

The change in policy guidance in May was a surprise to many as it seemed to pre-empt the outturn of June's full quarterly forecast round and collective rate path. At the press conference Governor Ida Wolden Bache deflected questions on the likely timing of the first rate cut by referring to then-unknown June forecasts, and Norges Bank's messaging would be discordant if it did not now raise its previous quarterly rate path and lower the likelihood of a September cut.

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The Norges Bank looks set to leave its key policy rate unchanged at 4.50% at its June meeting, with the focus on whether its updated policy rate path will reinforce May's hawkish guidance that "a tight monetary policy stance may be needed for somewhat longer than previously envisaged."

The change in policy guidance in May was a surprise to many as it seemed to pre-empt the outturn of June's full quarterly forecast round and collective rate path. At the press conference Governor Ida Wolden Bache deflected questions on the likely timing of the first rate cut by referring to then-unknown June forecasts, and Norges Bank's messaging would be discordant if it did not now raise its previous quarterly rate path and lower the likelihood of a September cut.

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