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MNI POLICY: BOJ To Consider Soft Yen Price Impact, Hikes Delayed

(MNI) Tokyo

The BOJ will take its time understanding the yen's influence on prices and will wait until after it confirms wage strength to consider further tightening.

The Bank of Japan will not raise its policy interest rates immediately as officials monitor the impact of the weak yen on underlying inflation, wage hikes and consumption over the next few months, with hikes more likely after it confirms small business wage hikes in August, MNI understands.

While the softer currency initially makes imports more expensive, bank officials must examine how it affects downstream prices and whether it leads to wage, and services price hikes to determine the impact on the underlying inflation trend.

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The Bank of Japan will not raise its policy interest rates immediately as officials monitor the impact of the weak yen on underlying inflation, wage hikes and consumption over the next few months, with hikes more likely after it confirms small business wage hikes in August, MNI understands.

While the softer currency initially makes imports more expensive, bank officials must examine how it affects downstream prices and whether it leads to wage, and services price hikes to determine the impact on the underlying inflation trend.

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