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MNI POLITICAL RISK - Democrats Launch New Offensive On Border

Daily roundup of news from the US.

Executive Summary:

  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) failed effort to advance a bipartisan border security bill provides cover for vulnerable Democrats and a platform for President Biden to argue he has engaged credibly in efforts to secure the border.
  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen noted that “substantial increases” in living costs are a “problem to a lot of people,” as voters hammer Biden on the assumption he has tools avaiable to control inflation.
  • Crypo's big week in Congress continued with House of Representatives approval of legislation barring the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency without explicit authorization from Congress.
  • President Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto announced an upgrade to bilateral relations during Ruto’s White House State Visit.
  • The US is expected to unveil a new USD$275 million package of military aid for Ukraine today as Kyiv struggles to contain a Russian offensive and pressure mounts for the White House to approve Ukrinaian strikes within Russian terrority.
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) will "soon" invite Israeli Prime Minister Benajamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress.
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken is preparing actions against Georgian lawmakers for passing a ‘foreign influence’ law which would, “stifle” freedom and “impede independent media organizations.”
  • Poll of the Day: The presidential race is a deadheat when undecided voters are pressed to decided between Biden and Trump.

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Executive Summary:

  • Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) failed effort to advance a bipartisan border security bill provides cover for vulnerable Democrats and a platform for President Biden to argue he has engaged credibly in efforts to secure the border.
  • US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen noted that “substantial increases” in living costs are a “problem to a lot of people,” as voters hammer Biden on the assumption he has tools avaiable to control inflation.
  • Crypo's big week in Congress continued with House of Representatives approval of legislation barring the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency without explicit authorization from Congress.
  • President Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto announced an upgrade to bilateral relations during Ruto’s White House State Visit.
  • The US is expected to unveil a new USD$275 million package of military aid for Ukraine today as Kyiv struggles to contain a Russian offensive and pressure mounts for the White House to approve Ukrinaian strikes within Russian terrority.
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) will "soon" invite Israeli Prime Minister Benajamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress.
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken is preparing actions against Georgian lawmakers for passing a ‘foreign influence’ law which would, “stifle” freedom and “impede independent media organizations.”
  • Poll of the Day: The presidential race is a deadheat when undecided voters are pressed to decided between Biden and Trump.

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