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MNI: UK Construction Output Rebounds to Five-Month High

MNI (London)
--UK November CIPS/IHS Markit Construction PMI 53.1 Vs 50.8 October 
--Housing Drives Rebound, Commercial, Civil Engineering Work Fall
By Jamie Satchithanantham
     LONDON (MNI) - The UK construction sector recorded a moderate rebound in
November with business activity, new orders and job growth all growing at the
fastest pace since June, a survey showed Monday.
     The headline IHS Markit/CIPS UK Construction Purchasing Managers' Index
reading rose to 53.1 in November from 50.8 in October. The PMI has now sat above
the 50.0 no-change value for two straight months with November's reading the
highest for five months. After recording a 17-month high of 56.0 in May, the PMI
slipped into contractionary territory and remained there before climbing above
50.0 in October. 
     House building once again provided the primary source of momentum within
the construction sector during November. According to IHS Markit, "resilient
demand and a supportive policy backdrop had driven the robust and accelerated
upturn in residential work". 
     Commercial construction, like for much of 2017, was the weakest performing
area of the survey with Brexit related uncertainties and a subdued economic
outlook both cited as holding back client spending. 
     Civil engineering output fell for the third straight month in November, and
although the fall-back between October and November was marginal it the longest
phase of decline seen in over four years. 
     Across the sector in general, new orders climbed to a five-month high, with
anecdotal evidence of a general improvement in client demand after the soft
patch this summer, which also saw supplier delivery times rise. 
     Cost inflation stood at its least marked level for just over a year with
some firms reporting that exchange-rate driven price rises had started to lose
     "Once again, resilient house building growth helped to offset lower volumes
of commercial work and civil engineering activity...residential projects
underpinned the rebound in total new order growth to its strongest since June,
helped by strong demand fundamentals and a supportive policy backdrop," said Tim
Moore, Associate Director at IHS Markit and author of the IHS Markit/CIPS
Construction PMI. 
     "Business optimism across the construction sector remained relatively
subdued, but picked up from the near five-year low seen in October. This
represented the first improvement in confidence for three months, which
construction firms attributed to increased sales enquiries and hopes that risk
aversion among clients will recede over the course of next year," he added. 
--MNI London Bureau; +44 203-586-2226; email:
[TOPICS: MABDS$,M$B$$$,M$E$$$]
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |

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