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Moody's said the 2018 outlook for.....>

US CORPORATES: Moody's said the 2018 outlook for North American non-financial
corporates "is positive" and "North American economic growth is currently modest
but sustainable given the steady pace of global growth, with all major global
economies expanding."
- "While North American GDP will expand by a relatively muted 2.3% in 2018, the
global profile increases confidence that North American growth can continue over
the next year," says Bill Wolfe, Moody's sr vp. "Stable growth in advanced
economies and a broadening recovery in emerging markets underpin global growth
momentum heading into 2018."
- "Ample systemic liquidity, generally accessible financial markets and low
refinancing risk all point to a declining US speculative-grade default rate in
the coming year," adds Wolfe. "Investor appetite for corporate debt remains
robust in a still-low interest rate environment, supporting a strong supply of
credit. Median EBITDA growth for North American and global industry sectors is
forecast at a solid 4.5%."

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