March 05, 2025 16:22 GMT
GREECE: Parl't To Debate No Confidence Motion, But Oppo Efforts Doomed To Fail
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Four opposition parties have submitted a motion of no confidence in the gov't of PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis, alleging "criminal incompetence" and a lack of progress in the investigation into the Tempi rail tragedy in February 2023 that claimed 57 lives. This is the second confidence motion moved against the gov't in less than a year on the highly emotive topic. Debate in parliament is set to begin at 1900 local time (1200ET, 1700GMT, 1800CET) and continue until a vote takes place on Friday 7 March.
- Nikos Androulakis, leader of the main opposition centre-left PASOK, circulated a draft motion on 3 March among other parties, including the left-wing SYRIZA and New Left, and the far-left anti-establishment Course of Freedom.
- As Tovima reports, the four parties "signed a 16-page agreement outlining the government’s responsibility, mistakes, and omissions in handling the Tempi tragedy. A final paragraph was added which falls outside of the scope of the Tempi disaster, addressing the cost of living crisis in Greece."
- PM Mitsotakis, whose centre-right New Democracy (ND) holds 156 seats in the 300-member chamber, meaning the confidence motion is doomed to fail, called the four party grouping a "motley alliance of those eager for nihilism".
- Mass protests on the anniversary of the Tempe disaster turned violent last week, with tear gas, stun grenades, and water cannon deployed on the streets of Athens.
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