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Picks up another wave of demand on......>

MNI (London)
EURO-DOLLAR: Picks up another wave of demand on reaction to the release of
better than forecast Germany IP data, 0.7%mm vs median 0.5%, which lifts rate on
to $1.1237, holding just shy of its 200-hma at $1.1238. Rate retains an
underlying buoyant tone as it currently holds at $1.1235. Stronger resistance
expected from around $1.1245 through to $1.1255. The $1.1250 level holds the
strike of an expiring option at today's NY cut (post NFP), E2.17bn. $1.1200 also
holds sizeable expiry interest, E1.08bn.   
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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