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POWER: French Net Power Exports to Italy Track 6-Month Low


 French net power exports to Italy so far in October are at 1.63GW, down from 1.93GW in September and on track for the lowest monthly level since April. 

  • French net power exports to Italy stood at 2.33GW in all of October 2023.
  • The unplanned outage at the France-Italy Piossasco-Grande-Ile interconnector is currently scheduled to end 9 October 09:00 CET. The link had been offline since 2 September.
  • Planned maintenance at the Albertville-Rondissone 1 interconnector is also scheduled to end on 9 October 08:00 CET.
  • RTE did not announce any export curtailments for its eastern borders for October, that were previously envisaged to last until mid-October.
  • For September, RTE said it expects to reduce power exports on France’s eastern borders – Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy - from 2-29 September if the value of exports exceeds 10GW vs 8GW in August.
  • French nuclear generation so far this month averaged 38.21GW, compared with an average of 37.9GW for all of September. 
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 French net power exports to Italy so far in October are at 1.63GW, down from 1.93GW in September and on track for the lowest monthly level since April. 

  • French net power exports to Italy stood at 2.33GW in all of October 2023.
  • The unplanned outage at the France-Italy Piossasco-Grande-Ile interconnector is currently scheduled to end 9 October 09:00 CET. The link had been offline since 2 September.
  • Planned maintenance at the Albertville-Rondissone 1 interconnector is also scheduled to end on 9 October 08:00 CET.
  • RTE did not announce any export curtailments for its eastern borders for October, that were previously envisaged to last until mid-October.
  • For September, RTE said it expects to reduce power exports on France’s eastern borders – Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy - from 2-29 September if the value of exports exceeds 10GW vs 8GW in August.
  • French nuclear generation so far this month averaged 38.21GW, compared with an average of 37.9GW for all of September.